Better Than A.1. | How to Make a Classic Steak Sauce

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Forget bottled steak sauce -- this classic homemade version is tasty and simple. And sure, T-bones and other steaks are delicious by themselves, but this rich, thick and flavorful sauce pairs perfectly with grilled steaks. It also adds a whole new level of "Wow!" to your favorite steak!

4 (16-ounce) Certified Angus Beef ® T-bone steaks
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1 shallot, diced (about 1/4 cup)
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 cup water
1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
1/3 cup sherry vinegar
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
2 teaspoons tamarind paste
1/2 cup seeded and roughly chopped Medjool dates

~~ If it's not CERTIFIED, it's not the best. ~~

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I want to say thank you to the one in charge of this channel.


I tried a version of this recipe (didn't have the special sauce, and substituted certain items/ added others).
I wanted it thicker and imo the result was a bit too heavy (probably due to the butter) for my taste. It reminded me of my dad's heavy peanut-butter based rib sauce/marinade.

It was pretty edible though, and I think the dates are a great idea. I felt the need for some lemon and probably some other item lacked as well (maybe more worcesterschire than I had) but I couldn't pinpoint which one.


Watching this makes my bread tastes way better.


Just outta curiosity, with all the ingredients it takes to make what looks to be fantastic... How much
$$$ would i need to spend to buy everything i need to make your sauce, versus buying a bottle of A1 sause???? Im only asking because I never have really out A1 sauce, or any other stake sauce for that matter.... Thanks 😊😊


So instead of raisins you use a dehydrated plum?


Hi, moin,
I´m from Germany. So I´m sorry maybe for my bad english. But I´ll try it. And I like your recipe. It looks absolutely great and delicious. I´d like to prepare it for a nice bbq dinner with friends. But we don´t work with cups. Would you like to give me the cups in ml. That would be easyer to add all the ingridients. Thanks a lot.
I wish you a great weekend.
best reguards from germany.


I'm collecting these to try to find the best one or best combination(s) of several ones; you'll be credited regardless~!


I'll have to give this one a try. Shout out to the Meat Speak podcast. If you ain't listenin' you are missin'! (Contact me for licensing LOL)


How long can I store this sauce in the fridge?


A1 used to have anchovies in it. Would you ever consider adding that as an ingredient to yours???


So you don't want to rehydrate raisins, but you're fine rehydrating dates?


How come this guy can make steak sauce, but the damn $100 steak restaurants serve me crap bulk store-bought sauce. Makes my blood boil.


im sorry but a date and a raisin seem very similar to me.


With that steak sauce why not add some sauted mushrooms and 1 or 2 anchovies? That is total umami ? Grind it all up and you should have a mouth-watering marvel. I do it!


A truly great steak, prepared from the best beef, seared properly at high temperature, seasoned only with salt and not too much pepper, does not need any sauce. In fact, sauce would be a hindrance to enjoying the superb flavor of the beef. You mess with my choice steak, you'll have a fight on your hand!


I just mde it, and followed the recipe to the number. Except for the tamarind, because I couldn't find it anywhere.

And I got to say, this sauce was TERRIBLE! Is it supposed to be this acidic? When I saw all the vinegars. I was a bit concerned. I my concern was validated. When you swallow it feels like it's burning your throat.

That can't be how it's supposed to be??
