Patch 14.17 Preview | League of Legends

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No more flash bangs?? Phreak you treat us too well


0:11 - What is in this patch?
7:19 - Systems
15:01 - Champion buffs
27:49 - AP Junglers
32:18 - Champion Nerfs 1
39:33 - Champion Nerfs 2
45:33 - Conclusion


I think there's been a misunderstanding in analyzing the katarina statistics.

given the vast amount of subpar builds that have been imposed upon the champion with the onhit rework she's now forced to change itemization and runes according to the enemy's composition.

this practically means that no one will build lich bane into a mostly tanky comp (which is bad for katarina), but will instead gravitate towards sustained damage options like conq + nashors tooth/bork ad onhit.

this means that nashors/bork start is more common into team compositions where katarina is already bad into.

whereas lich bane is common into squishier compositions where katarina can shine better. in this scenario lich bane is a "win more" item and coincides with an already positive matchup.

if the lich bane build was the only one viable then its winrate would be definitely lower, as you wouldn't be able to do much into tanky compositions.

you can see this is true since gunblade kata statistics support this scenario: only build available, good into squishies, bad into tanks= winrate naturally levels out.

what katarina needs is a rework as right now she seems very hard/impossible to balance properly, please listen to her playerbase as they already have a lot of suggestions.


Thanks for the content Phreak.

One possible video idea (if you were willing to create this) would be your personal opinion on each champion in the game, how they are balanced, why they are balanced and possible future (but not immediate) nerfs / buffs / system changes around each champion.

As a player for 12 years and a massive LoL nerd, I really enjoy hearing the balance teams point for these kind of things, means I have a basis for my personal rational + irrational LoL takes.

Have a good one.


thank you for changing the slides from white background to dark for night watchers, bless up phreak


13:55 "Lots of people are building warmog, so its probably better to nerf it"

For the past two years botrk has had far far far higher presence in this game than warmog. There was a time when there would always be at least 6 botrk in every single match, even pure ap champions were building botrk.
A lot of people were complaining and at the time Phreak repetedly stated "Just because a lot of people build the same item doesnt mean it needs nerfs"
Why does he have such clear double standards here? Almost seems like hes an adc main that tolerates powerful items for adcs, but doesn't tolerate powerful items for anyone else... Almost...


36:48 "lichbane first slot is far superior to nashor first slot"

Maybe nerfing E and on-hits on ult wasn't the best course of action, then? I thought you wanted to make Katarina more intuitive to build?

That's why you didn't like E max and pushed for Q max, despite not understanding in the slightest why E max is a thing?

So why are you nerfing one of her most built items? Nashor has always been supposed to be her core item. Because of that, people keep buding it, despite it being suboptimal.

Isn't this the exact same scenario as Q vs E? So why are we ignoring it and only buffing pure-burst, non-nashor builds?



there is a client bug that is lke 2 weeks old now, client freezes when you click accept, and then you lose lp because it counts as a decline/dodge. lost 20 lp with 30 min dodge timer yesterday, and ive witnessed it 2 times on stream


Can Riot stop 1st timing in ranked. Ranked gets inflated hardcore by this if some otp stucked and tries for the 1st time a new champ, he never played before. My suggestion: either have a certain mastery
score or at least 5 games played in normal q would keep the integrety of ranked q somewhat more stable.


10% off each dagger is almost like 20%-30% ap per fight :(


please, i beg of you do not nerf katarina like this. move the q damage into the passive and lower it by 60%, and she will be in such a better spot. please


I heard about the AP Kai'sa changes on the PBE, and I wanted to go over AP Kai'sa real fast as a way of getting my input in.

I think that the general impression is that AP Kai'sa is really unfair, since league kind of revolves around mages being short range. Usually what people seem to hate the most is the 2 tap kills, you know you hit the W, and then you hit a second and detonate the passive killing somebody. I personally think the hatred of this is a little overblown, if you get hit by the first W, that's probably your cue to change your strategy. Basically every time I've killed somebody like that, it's because they're dancing in circles in the midlane or something.

Anyway, I understand that Riot doesn't really like when AP Kai'sa is super strong and doesn't really want to support it in pro play and etc. That kind of balance is actually good for players like me, because it means I can basically play AP Kai'sa at will whenever I want, and I have a decent shot of carrying games. I actually like the status quo, even if it feels like I'm using a strategy that Riot doesn't condone.

Now, on to the changes themselves, I think there's some pros and some cons. On one hand, the reset provides lots of opportunities for assassination combos, you know, you hit somebody with the W, you leap to them, get the Q off, and then as they flash away you get the reset W, or maybe in some longer scenarios it could allow you to easily get two passive procs off. So the removal of the reset feels like it would make Kai'sa feel a little unnatural in terms of her assassination patterns.

But with that being said, I'm all for a shake up, since it means Kai'sa is less dependent upon Manamune. There's lots of nuanced stuff it could enable, stuff like jungle AP Kai'sa, which I think is already underrated. I hate to say it, but it runs the risk of being far too impactful, but if it does go through I'll be excited to test it out, that's for sure. I get the feeling it's PBE only and not long for this world, but something I found very very interesting.


The universe pauses when you drink your water


Hello phreak any news on the Swain work? Is it aimed for this split?


I think Sylas(and also Diana) both have trhe problem of not being served well be the item system when wanting to go bruiser.
Neither of them work particulary well with the dot items. And they also both have mana. And not just "have" mana - they are both quite mana hungry.
But both of them can work it out without mana items~ in bursty builds. IN a bruiser build, they naturally need to cast more skills.

Haste is hugely important for bruiser builds on both of them. It's a big part of their dps, doesnt directly affect their burst potential and, most importantly: Haste is their defence. More heals/shields.
They, of course, need some AP, as everything scales off of AP. And a bit of bulk.
But they also need mana - build as bruisers, they just go oom.

And the problem is that they NEED all those things to function as bruisers. Most mana items are heavily burst/squishy oriented. RoA gives no haste at all and is slow by design.
It feels like you bruiser builds on those 2 really come "Online" at like 3 items - and thats just unacceptably late.


So quick question Phreak:

If Jhin is the high damage sniper of League of Legends (like the sniper from Halo), couldn't Caitlyn fit more of a no escape sniper (more akin to the carbine)? Give her more incentive to headshot, more incentive to trap, and shoot more often?

Just thinking about champion fantasy is all.


So a question i have in regards to "Absorb Life": What's the reason you did not want it to trigger when minions dear near a champion as opposed to last hitting? With the right values, it feels like that it could be equally usefull regardless of skill level.


cosmic insight does not lower cooldown on verdant barrier if ur shield was popped by rift/baron


can we expect any ap seraphine buff for mid please


Did you consider the Fleet Footwork nerfs and how they will impact Senna? I would have liked to hear more about that aspect here. It would be a good idea to decouple Senna's slow from her heal since now you have to choose how to use her Q and you lose out on a lot of it's value - especially if you use it to heal. You lose the on-hit, passive proc, slow, damage and only gain ally healing in return. Maybe returning the slow to her auto attack will help with this issue.
