Arduino Prototyping Basics #01: What is Arduino?

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What exactly is "Arduino"? Is it a board, software, code, or something else? The simple answer is, Yes! It's a board, software, and most importantly, a community. The Arduino ecosystem is open source, and that has created an amazing community of makers all sharing what they learn along the way. You can search online and find reusable code that can be modified for your prototype. You can even find people online, especially in the Arduino forums, willing to help you code and learn.

The Arduino micro-controller’s super low cost, versatility, and wide-ranging user base (from 10 year old kids with no electronics background to sophisticated electronics professionals) makes it a natural choice for any budding product designer, inventor, or artist looking to build a prototype of their project. Even so, when pondering this credit-card sized tiny computer with its idiosyncratic pin space for the first time, it’s not obvious where to start. Stick with me as I offer a time tested, fool-proof, and systematic approach to Arduino prototype planning, testing, and production.

Prototyping Supplies:

My Camera Equipment:

A few other FREE sensor tutorials you might like: (I have 100's!)
A few sensor tutorials you might like: (I have 100's!)

And some playlists on prototyping with Arduino:

Don't forget to like and subscribe if you'd like me to make more videos!

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When I took a look on your videos topics I felt that I’m looking at a dream thanks for the free education man you’re awsome👍👍


Just came from your video on perfboards, after looking up more breadboards on amazon and what binding posts were.
I got an arduino kit a few days ago and the first thing my niece wanted to make after seeing a seven segment display was a "bomb" lol So we rigged it up to count down from 9 to 0 and threw in a buzzer, active first then a passive one with a slightly more suitable sound. Kinda want to expand on that with a keypad input but also do other projects without tearing it apart, unfortunately the kit only gave me one breadboard lol

Seeing that #104 telling me there were a ton of other videos teaching me stuff I don't know without having to search who knows where for how long to figure out it's even something I _should_ know was a great feeling. So thanks for these. Hopefully one of these covers how shift registers work because I've no idea how wiring up 3 wires is running 7 segments right now lol

I remember my dad having an old radio shack electronics kit with springs that wires would slip into instead of these breadboards with a builtin potentiometer and stuff that I semi-played with as a kid but didn't learn/remember much of, and now I wanted something similar at 29.


Just subscribed. I have little background on electronics (high school electronics -_-) and no idea on most stuff :( . Thank you for saying the arduino is for all walks of life! I'm excited to learn more and do 'weird' stuff :D
