Cyclic Redundancy Check CRC with examples, crc error detection in Data

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Video Includes the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) error detection, what's divisor, how XOR works and how to find the size of CRC , what is remainder and syndrome.
In the end how can you detect if there was a error during data transmission.

You will learn crc with polynomial how to Control Error, Detection and Correction in Data link layer in Computer Networking.
Computer communication and networks.

Working of Xor (exclusive or gate) 0:16
Divisor 0:38
Degree of Divisor 0:52
Size of CRC 1:02
Original Code word 1:32
Adding zeros with code word 1:39
Sender calculation diving with divisor 2:00
Remainder 3:20
Adding remainder with code word (Original data) 3:33
Receiver Calculations on received data 4:22
Detecting if there was some error or not during transmission 5:13
Syndrome 5:35
Thank You for Watching.. 5:39

CRC is the Best data integrity technique.
A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is an error-detecting code commonly used in digital networks and storage devices to detect accidental changes to raw data. Blocks of data entering these systems get a short check value attached, based on the remainder of a polynomial division of their contents.

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Рекомендации по теме

I love the explaining...I've been looking all over YouTube for better explanation


Thanks! You explained well. Don't be afraid to speak up, you're a good teacher!


thank you this is so much less confusing now


You made it very easy to understand, thank you so much for taking the time.


Thank you very much fast/undertandable !!!! and direct... My teacher took 30mins jut to explain sending


Thanks so much, it was wonderful. it is very so kind of you that record such as those video


Thank you so much i hope your voice gets better soon <3


Thank you I have exams tmrw it helped me


I could understood CRC with your video... thanks


Yes sir ! we got it ❤May God bless you with alots of happiness!!!


Great explanation buddy. Thanks a lot!


thnks admin
plz upload a video showing crc advantage over lrc and vrc


Wonderful explanation!, Thanks for taking your time to do ths!.


Good voice good explain thank you so much
From kingdom of saudi arabia


awesome voice dude, love u from INDIA, and really a very good


TQ bro I will share this to my staff how to teach


May Allah bless you, brother. Thank you very very very much. I was really struggling with this. THen, got this video.


Well explained man. . . Thanks and keep it up. . .


Bro can you explain more topics like
1.Checksum method of error detection
2.frequency division multiple access ( FDMA)
3.ASK coherent demodulation


your voice is similar to Sachin
the whole vid. i thought that u are mimicry him...
