How hard is it to get on 2M and make contacts?

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In this video I demonstrate how cheap and easy it is to get on 2M (144MHz) and make contacts.

A firm demonstration that lots of fancy equipment and huge investment isn't necessary. The key is to get outside, up high, and Call CQ.
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The 2 meter band is my favourite band! Always use it portable and have logged many stations. You dont really need an expensive radio with loads of power either! Hope to get you in the log again, 73!


Thats the most gangster music I've ever heard on a ham video. I'm from U.S.


Great video Mike and well said.
I should try this more often myself. We are building a new home up a hill which is a great location for VHF/UHF.
I also finished building my home brew 2m vertical ground plane which I have tested for the first time today from the new QTH. Was able to reach with 1W from a FT-3DR and that vertical a distance of 11 km to a friend with the same handheld and a rubber ducky.
Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing more of your videos.
Kevin, VK4KK


After many years of listening to many frequencies, this year, 2023, I heard my first SSB 2 meter transmissions! I heard these transmissions on 144.200Mhz USB and LSB. It was actually exciting to hear activity on that frequency. I thought it never happened. It took decades to hear something, but it happened! I want to add to my listening chart, 50.125Mhz USB, 222.555Mhz USB and LSB, 432.100Mhz USB, and the extremely illusive 144.300 AM. It was easy to hear 27.385Mhz AM, FM, USB, LSB, 28.400Mhz USB, LSB. The listening continues...


Have you thought of using "tiger tails" on your hand held? Simply a 1/4 wave wire counterpoise which attaches just under the antenna. I have used them on and off for years and they appear to improve signal strength.
Just a quick technical note, you should be signing "mobile" not portable. If you are free to move from where you are without need to detach or disassemble anything then you ae mobile. However if you have a pole tied to a fence for your antenna the you become "portable". I checked this out with ofcom as there was little clarity available at the time.
Love watching your vlogs and enjoyed our brief contact yesterday.


Good video thanks for showing us how it’s done 👍


great stream mike since getting my license in may this year i keep meaning to go up ashhurst beacon which is just up the hill ftom me soon as you go out are front door you can see the tree, s to the park so untill i get a little hf set to talk up there i can use the HT i have so next time im up there ill give you a call from ste in skelmersdale M7BYF ps didn, t know i was one of your subscribers but have been for a while keep up the good work mike and 73 good dx


Good video and commentary, Mike! Just curious what your farthest contact so far is with the FT 60 and the MFJ 1714?


How do you know what frequency to use for your calling?


I learned that “CQ CQ CQ” is done on HF, and for 2m you just say “monitoring.” Is that just a difference between UK and US?
