Arduino Uno Super Starter Kit Ultrasonic Sensor

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The ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) is great for all kinds of projects that need distance measurements. The HC-SR04 is inexpensive and easy to use. We will be sending signals directly to the sensor and interpreting the results without the need for a library.
Ultrasonic sensor module HC-SR04 provides a 2cm-400cm non-contact measurement function, the accuracy can reach 3mm. The modules include ultrasonic transmitters, receivers, and control circuits. We will be wiring the ultrasonic sensor to our Arduino UNO R3 controller on our super starter kit. Let’s get started.

This kit is available from Amazon.
Here are some affiliate links:

Additional information can be obtained from our website.

00:00 Arduino Uno Super Starter Kit Ultrasonic Sensor
01:08 Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 - How they work
02:46 Ultrasonic Sensor Timing Chart
03:35 Wiring the Ultrasonic Senor to our Arduino UNO
04:40 Arduino UNO Ultrasonic Sensor Program

A full list of posts in this series can be obtained at the following location:
Arduino Uno Software Super Starter Kit
Previous posts in this Arduino Uno Super Starter Kit Series:
Digital Inputs
Analog Inputs
Tilt Ball Switch

Component listing for the Elegoo Arduino UNO R3 Super Starter Kit
1 - ELEGOO UNO R3 Controller Board (Arduino-Compatible)
1 - LCD1602 Module (with pin header)
1 - Breadboard Expansion Board
1 - Power Supply Module
1 - Joystick Module
1 - IR Receiver
1 - Servo Motor (SG90)
1 - Stepper Motor
1 - ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Board
1 - Ultrasonic Sensor
1 - DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module
1 - 9V Battery with DC
1 - 65 Jumper Wire
1 - USB Cable
1 - Active Buzzer
1 - Passive Buzzer
1 - Potentiometer
1 - 5V Relay
1 - Breadboard
1 - Remote
1 - Tilt Switch
5 - Button (small)
1 - 1 digit 7-segment Display
1 - 4 digit 7-segment Display
5 - Yellow LED
5 - Blue LED
5 - Green LED
5 - Red LED
2 - Photoresistor
1 - Thermistor
2 - Diode Rectifier (1N4007)
2 - NPN Transistor (PN2222)
1 - IC 74HC595
30 - Resistor
10 - Female-to-male DuPont Wire

This kit is available from Amazon. Here are some affiliate links:

The Arduino UNO is one of the best boards to learn about electronics and coding. This robust board is the most used and documented board of the whole Arduino family.

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