Elegoo Arduino Basic Starter Kit & Simple Tutorial

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The folks over at Elegoo reached out to me recently and asked if I would be interested in checking out their Elegoo Arduino Basic Starter Kit. Since I already have the Elegoo Super Starter Kit, I wanted to see what was in the basic kit.

There's quite a bit you can do with one of these kits, so let's take a look at a simple project where we'll cycle through some colors on an RGB light by pressing a button.

Here's a list of things you'll need for this project:

1 x Arduino Uno
1 x Breadboard
1 x Button
1 x RGB Light
3 x 220 Resistors
1 x 10k Resistor
8 x Breadboard Wires

The rest of the project specifications are on my website here:

If you want to pick up any of the stuff I showed in this video, here are some links to get everything:

Starter Kit Coupon Code: 2OIRKZ3B
Start Date: 9/17/2019 5:00AM PDT
End Date: 9/21/2019 11:59PM PDT

Additional Links:

I want to give a big shoutout to Elegoo for reaching out and offering to send me this kit. Let me know in the comments what project you would build with this kit!


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A tip from an absolute beginner. It would be good to say exactly WHERE you're placing components rather than breezing past that. The first button placed, I had no idea where in the bread board you put it and didn't want to continue.


Hi there, could you explain the 10k resistor?


I don’t know which side is left or right. Better when you hold it on the black background


What is the code program that he used?


Thanks for sharing this video, appreciate your thoughts. While I studied electronics initially in High School back in 1964 again in 2007 in adult technology center. I recently purchased a Digital Storage Oscilloscope TC3 handheld which I am forward to using 😮this Arduino Uno starter kit.


where can I find information about the forword voltage and amps of each component in this kit??


Cool video! I noticed in your links though, the solid wire link is the same as the resistor link. Might have to get me some of that solid wire, makes for a nice clean build!


I appreciate the great video instruction. I added in what I thought might be Teal and Orange as well :D though, I guess the Programmable LED I received is not as great quality as the one it seems you received with your kit. Again much appreciated.

else if (counter == 5) {
digitalWrite(redPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(greenPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(bluePin, HIGH);

else if (counter == 6) {
digitalWrite(redPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(greenPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(bluePin, LOW);


I did this project and it worked and I was so happy! thank you!


At 11:15 you said the light being on indicates it is working but mine is blinking even though I checked the board and nothing was wrong


Thanks so much for the detailed explanation! It made is so much easier.


bro how i am goone copy all that code?


when i program it into arduino, it says an error occured when upploading this sketch


where can I find the lesson guide with code? CD will not lode


I got it all hooked up exsaclty and put the program in but no matter what I do it will only show green and light green. Any ideas why? xx


Great video! But just want to check, are you earthing it with breadboard wires or something else?


basic i know but those resistors look EXACTLY the same to me. how do you know the difference. noob here obviously but thats why im watching starter videos


Thanks for the video. What code are you using? Is it an example that comes along with the kit? I don't find code by the name RGB_Button in the examples. Did you write your own code for this video? Also, can you please clarify how you are connecting the 'keyboard' to Uno? Thanks!


I'm looking to create a Unity project where I can read and visualize the player's heartbeat using an Arduino. Would this kit be a suitable for such a project or would something like the Arduino UNO be a better choice? Provided I also buy a pulse sensor to connect to it. I'm not too familiar with arduinos so I just want to know which one would best suit my project


you did a lot just for the review! you should make some simple tech tip videos on programming or arduino or windows 10 issues etc and click bait more tbh man
