PISCES 'try and patch things up' Horoscope March 2021

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Though the year started strong, March will require you to step on the breaks and take a long, hard look at your actions.

It'll be a month of introspection and change and the perfect opportunity to course-correct if things aren't going quite as you planned.

Open yourself to new possibilities and ventures, but do so carefully. The planets' influence will give you the push you need to chase after new things, but don't be too ambitious. It's not about radically changing your entire life but rather setting the stage for small actions that lead to significant changes in the future.

Based on Pisces Sun Sign

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What u said is so true I felt so good and I ended my bullies for good and I passed on my exmans, and yes a lot of money goes and comes so badly, and my get a lot of experience with coworkers and I ended them and now they don't mess with me no more I play a big role to manipulate my around people and try to achieve my goals and control my health and mental health 💙
