Tank speed: T-72 vs Leopard 2 vs M1 Abrams #Shorts

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#shorts Tank speed: T-72 vs Leopard 2 vs M1 Abrams

Author @MilitaryRewind

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The M1 Abrams is a third-generation American main battle tank designed by Chrysler Defense (now General Dynamics Land Systems)[6] and named for General Creighton Abrams. Conceived for modern armored ground warfare and now one of the heaviest tanks in service at nearly 68 short tons (almost 62 metric tons), it introduced several modern technologies to US armored forces, including a multifuel turbine engine, sophisticated Chobham composite armor, a computer fire control system, separate ammunition storage in a blow-out compartment, and NBC protection for crew safety. Initial models of the M1 were armed with a licensed-produced 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7 gun, while later variants feature a licensed Rheinmetall 120 mm L/44.

The M1 Abrams was developed from the failure of the MBT-70 project to replace the obsolescent M60 tank. There are three main operational Abrams versions, the M1, M1A1, and M1A2, with each new iteration seeing improvements in armament, protection, and electronics. Extensive improvements have been implemented to the latest formerly designated M1A2 System Enhancement Package version 3 or SEPv3 and M1A2 SEPv4, respectively versions such as improved composite armor, better optics, digital systems and ammunition.[7] The Abrams was due to be replaced by the Future Combat Systems XM1202 but due to its cancellation, the U.S. military has opted to continue maintaining and operating the M1 series for the foreseeable future by upgrading with improved optics, armor and firepower.

The T-72 is a family of Soviet/Russian main battle tanks that entered production in 1969.[10] The T-72 was a development of the T-64, which was troubled by high costs and its reliance on immature developmental technology. About 25,000 T-72 tanks have been built, and refurbishment has enabled many to remain in service for decades.[11][12] It has been widely exported and has seen service in 40 countries and in numerous conflicts. The T-90 introduced in 1992 is a development of the T-72B;[13] production and development of various modernized T-72 models continues today.The T-72 is a family of Soviet/Russian main battle tanks that entered production in 1969.[10] The T-72 was a development of the T-64, which was troubled by high costs and its reliance on immature developmental technology. About 25,000 T-72 tanks have been built, and refurbishment has enabled many to remain in service for decades.[11][12] It has been widely exported and has seen service in 40 countries and in numerous conflicts. The T-90 introduced in 1992 is a development of the T-72B;[13] production and development of various modernized T-72 models continues today.

The Leopard 2 is a 3rd generation main battle tank originally developed by Krauss-Maffei in the 1970s for the West German army. The tank first entered service in 1979 and succeeded the earlier Leopard 1 as the main battle tank of the West German Army. It is armed with a 120 mm smoothbore cannon made by Rheinmetall, and is powered by a V-12 twin-turbo diesel engine made by MTU Friedrichshafen.

Various versions have served in the armed forces of Germany and 13 other European countries, as well as several non-European nations, including Canada, Chile, Indonesia, and Singapore. The Leopard 2 was used in Kosovo with the German Army, in Afghanistan with the Dutch, Danish and Canadian contributions to the International Security Assistance Force, and saw action in Syria with the Turkish Armed Forces.

There are two main development batches of the tank: the original models up to Leopard 2A4, which have vertically faced turret armour, and the improved batch, namely the Leopard 2A5 and newer versions, which have angled arrow-shaped turret appliqué armour together with other improvements. All models feature digital fire control systems with laser rangefinders, a fully stabilised main gun and coaxial machine gun, and advanced night vision and sighting equipment (first vehicles used a low-light level TV system or LLLTV; thermal imaging was introduced later on). The tank has the ability to engage moving targets while moving over rough terrain.

Source: DVIDS. МО РФ

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Music: YouTube Audio Library
Mantage: Sony Vegas Pro 13
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Рекомендации по теме

-Зачем французским танкам зеркала заднего вида?
-И зачем же?
-Чтобы видеть поле боя.


На т72 зарегистрирован рекорд скорости в 82 км/ч


Не знал, что танковый бой начинается с гонок 😂


скорость, это дело десятое. каждый танк создаётся под свой грунт и климат. в бою очень редко танки развивают максимальную скорость. а вот если он увязнет, то это конкретная мишень.


Т-80( летающий танк )газотурбинный двигатель : 80 км/ч


После такого прыжка, леопард можно сразу в ремонт отправлять, а экипаж в хирургию.


В полуфинальной эстафете механик-водитель первого российского экипажа старший сержант Игорь Шиленин смог разогнать танк до скорости 80 км/ч. Не успела утихнуть радость болельщиков на трибунах, как третий российский экипаж танка под управлением механика-водителя старшего сержанта Ивана Овсеева установил новый рекорд скорости - 82 км/ч


Красавец какой !!! Достойный !!! Личной ракеты достойный !
Вы только кресты не стирайте !!!


I looked all over the Internet and did not find the speed indicated for ambrams and leopard


Не нашёл не одного ролика с Абрамсом 72км!)


Интересно было посмотреть эти танки на биатлоне танковом особенно Абрамс 😁😁


Про Т80 БВМ забыли, там под 100 км.ч. и такой красавец.


Дело не в скорости, если не отступаешь с поля боя.


Fuel Consumption and Range has left the chat.


И еще, запомните! В русском танке самое страшное это его экипаж!


Forward speed is not that important, wether it is 60 or 70 km/h. The reverse speed is far more important. A T-72 has a 5 km/h reverse speed and the M1 & Leopard both have around 30 km/h reverse speed. Backing out of trouble is crucial.


Брат служил на т-80, механик-водителем, говорил где-то 110-120 идёт, вертолетный движок


In reality the T72 will leave it's competitors in dust. It's small, light, agile and it performs great in harsh off-road conditions.


Гений, сравнил танк из 70-ых и практически новейшие танки


-Зачем леопарду и абрамсу реверсионная коробка передач?
-И зачем же?
-Чтобы убегать с поля боя.
