New Bigfoot Documentary 2023 | The Cascades Encounter | Washington State

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This video is based on multiple encounters that happened on a night in August of 2020, in the Washington Cascades. We heard a “whoop” vocalization right before a tree comes down. We believe that tree was pushed over. Later on, 35 minutes later, Kirk Brandenburg recorded a vocalization a half mile away, just outside of the camp. Hours later, after everyone was sleeping, Rebekah Slick witnessed something large walking right through our camp.
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The guy making the noise is EXACTLY what me & my friend heard camping in a forest in victoria Australia way back in 2001 ...I will NEVER for get it 3 times then a space another 3 times a space then another 3 times & every insect & frog& the booboo owl went silent it was 3am ...then crashing through the bush very loud like something huge ....we both said it sounded sad but irritated or frustrated ...just like your encounter slept & next day felt we were being watched even though we were only ones we packed up & off we went.


This was excellent and well done.. Thank you so much for presenting your research. The vocalizations you caught were amazing..Its a great thing that you keep that audio recorder running! Looking forward to watching more from you!


I've had three encounters in the cascades, spanning over a 25 year period, and one had supportive evidence. I understand the frustration, especially after finally having an encounter with a sasquatch of which only you will always be certain of. I've been a Sasquatch Investigator since 1976, or so, and have been primarily involved as a Hoax Detective (Hoax Buster) over the past 15 years. I will tell you that my experience indicates absolutely no reason to suggest anything hoaxed in this documentary. All things and situations described in this movie can be found in the Sasquatch historical record, and are all considered common elements of historical cases. I saw no indication of fraud by anyone interviewed, which for me is a first. For me, this is the first documentary that I have viewed (hundreds) that indicates 100% honesty throughout. Thank you for being the first, and I pray more will follow in your footprints, comparatively small as they may be.


Awesome video. It is amazing to be out there in the darkness with them. They are beautiful souls. I live here in the Cascades of Washington and have experiences that would blow most people's minds. They are very real.


Cascade Bigfoot has some amazing encounters there. Stay safe and thanks for sharing this with us


Being an avid outdoorsmen I cant tell you how many times I’ve heard sounds like this and never thought much about it.


Great episode! Please keep making this outstanding content!


I’m not sure I can commit to the idea that Bigfoot really exists but my god this was a terrifying experience. The sounds alone would have had me packing the first night. Who the hell knows who/what is really out there. Really enjoyed this documentary, outstanding job!


She was highly persuasive, and had a hell of a lot more courage than I would have mustered. Gratified to see they are armed for their sake. This was very well done. All were demonstrably sane, sober people in this group. Well done.


Nicely done! Story was fascinating and good choice of music and cinematography. Cannot wait for another episode!


I really enjoy these videos. Thankyou for your time and effort. ❤ from Australia.


Excellent video guys, from the encounter descriptions and details, to production and meshing of audio and video. You've gained a new subscriber!


Hey, good video guys.! It’s really crazy how encounters with these things happen. What you guys experienced here mirrors experiences that I’ve had…..and that many others have had at this point. The strangest part to me is how we can get these vocals and this activity seemingly so close to us……but they are able to stay out of sight. Either that or they are blending in so damn good that we just can’t get eyes on them! It’s wild any way you look at it. Thanks for sharing and posting this. 🙂💪🏼🦶🏾🦶🏾


Interesting and well put together documentary, the vocalisations that Nathan recreated was really good!!! Nice to hear normal people talk about their experiences without making nonsensical and disrespectful remarks like those idiots off small town monsters. This was far better


This video is really well done. Chronological, overlapping witness accounts, audio clips backing up the accounts as they are being narrated. A refreshing change from some of the horse s*** being put out these days. Nice job guys.


Wow Jonathan! Very much appreciate you making this documentary, and it's really good.


Wow, that is so crazy, can you imagine the strength it has to take to push a tree that size, amazing stuff, thx


Here from the confessionals podcast. What a great channel. I love it.


I’ve had an encounter a few miles away from the lake Shane had is. Just learned which lake he was at from the small town monsters aerial footage, it’s crazy how hot that area gets with activity this time of year . Great video and a subbed for sure!


There is nothing on earth that would convince me to spend a night in a forest, given what we now know to be living out there.
