😴 3 hours repeated loop ~ Sleep hypnosis for weight loss with mindful awareness ~ Female Voice

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Drift into sleep and your subconscious mind still listens while you sleep to help reprogram your mind to adopt mindful eating habits with a positive, loving and kind approach to your body. Listen nightly, for 2 weeks, as you go to sleep and improve your relationship with your body and with food.

Relax and enjoy xx

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Kim Carmen Walsh
Mindfully Be

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I listened to the video three times while I slept. I have noticed five things change for me. 1.) while cooking I don't have the urge to pop something in my mouth to taste it. 2.) I eat about 3/4 of a meal and stop when I'm full instead of eating all of it just because it tastes good 3.) late night binges have completely subsided, or I have a few chips and I'm done 4.) I don't have the urge to eat unless my stomach is growling. 5.) food is becoming more enjoyable. I'm finally starting to feel like I can trust myself with food. I'm not sure when I became an emotional eater, but it has been one very hard habit to break. I thank Kim very much for putting this on YouTube. like most people I don't have the money for a therapist or expensive diet programs. you're a wonderful person Kim, thank you!


IAM THE COMMENT U R LOOKING FOR lmao i actually have lost a lot of appetite for three weeks ish and feel less of the need to eat and when i do i only crave healthy food. it’s so weird because my weight fluctuates because i like too eat a lot but now it’s changed a lot and it’s not only my water weight that has gone but actual weight. thank you for the wonderful video💜


In July last year I started listening to this vid, lost 2 dress sizes in about 2 months, I've kept it off ! It's just became a habit to eat at noon and finish by 8pm I'm amazed so much easier than counting calories. I'm eating less food of a higher quality. My husband used to get me breakfast in bed every morning to let me know he loves me, now I get jewellery!!!! It's just win, win win all round. Thanks Kim.


Some day I'm going to have to listen to this sitting bolt upright with the lights on to find out exactly what is being said. I've never been able to stay awake after we get to the beautiful, peaceful garden. This lady may be helping me with mindful eating (I THINK so) or she may be instructing me to wire money to her numbered Swiss bank account. It could go either way.


I don't know why but this video made me cry and remember every detail of how i have struggled with my weight for so many years. My mum and all my siblings are all skinny and I have always felt like the odd child. I want to feel better. I will be better. Thank you


Hi. I have been listening to the loop for 3 nights now. I have to say my appetite has diminished significantly. I eat half the amount and feel fuller than before. I am not constantly hungry anymore either. Thank you so much for this!


May everyone reach their goals and succeed! Amen🙏🏻


Thank you I have terrible insomnia and can’t sleep until it’s morning I put my earbuds in and listened to this for around 10-15 minutes and went out like a light :D as for the weight loss I will be listening every night who knows I might lose weight and get better sleep.

(EDIT) it’s been two months and can actually say after listening to this every night my appetite for sweets or junk food has greatly diminished I now eat healthier and definitely cleaner, I would also like to add that I have slept like a baby and don’t wake up at all during the night I don’t look like a zombie anymore!! This has greatly helped my health and life so thank you Kim! 💙


I'm sorry I just needed to share my experience while it's still fresh in my mind:

I have sleep apnea and also frequent bouts of sleep paralysis

I started listening to another hypnosis channel and fell asleep like I normally do. YouTube started playing this video after that one ended.

I heard your voice in my dreams, but at some point my dreams shifted and became something between a dream and a nightmare, and I woke up paralyzed.

Your voice was incredibly soothing, and made it almost impossible to wake up. And then, when I started trying to wake myself, your voice started scolding and threatening me.

I had several false awakenings after that. I thought I had woken up, and would immediately go to my phone to stop the video, but then you would scold me again and make the phone disappear from my hands.

Finally I woke up for real and turned it off at 1:11:23. It was a wild ride, but on the positive side I've only slept 3 hours and feel fully rested. One of the perks of sleep disorders.


Didn’t think hypnosis would work but listened to this and straight away didn’t seem to crave food and eating less highly recommend listen to this brilliant thanks alot


I've been listening for about 2 weeks now and I didn't even notice that I'm not even going in for seconds anymore until today. And it's a smaller amount of food than usual as well. The hypnosis worked boo 😊😘


This DOES WORK‼️ I’ve lost a bit of weight and KEPT IT OFF‼️👍🏼


It works for me the day after listening. It causes me to second guess all food and drink choices. I end up opting for a lighter option


Okay so normally I’m skeptical about these type of things but I’ve been listening for about a week now and I can definitely say my appitite has gone down so much! Thankyou


I love listening to her voice. Knocks me out at night. I no longer need sleep pills. Thank you so much.


Had a bad addiction to Red Bulls after listening to this one night I can happily say, I have not had a Red Bull since. I've also been choosing healthier food choices..this really works.


Well, I couldn't even finish my first meal of the day after my first night listening. Interesting and/or scary. I hope i don't start barking at the mailman or *grin*


Today I woke up and it was more than just not craving food. When I woke up I was in a brighter mood than usual, I didn’t feel lazy and I was happy!


Listened for 3 days now, and I've noticed: I'm sleeping better, when she starts to talk about a staircase I'm out, I'm not starving at breakfast, and I'm eating lunch later and slower, I feel fuller a lot faster, and I'm not feeling as anxious as I go to sleep!


I started listening to this last weekend almost every night, I missed one night. First of all, I noticed I fell asleep faster and feel less anxious during the day, and second, I think this is actually working, I loss 6 ponds. Thank you Kim Carman Walsh.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
