How to Know if Your Aging Parent Can Still Make Decisions

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If your aging parent with memory loss is making bad decisions or is refusing help: have you ever wondered at what point they might be deemed “incompetent”, incapacitated, or otherwise unfit to make decisions? #memoryloss #aging #agingparents

Geriatrician Leslie Kernisan, MD, explains what all family caregivers should know about decision-making capacity, especially if there’s a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or another type of dementia. Plus how incapacity is confirmed to activate a power of attorney.

Learn the signs that an elderly loved one may be losing decision-making capacity, and what to do if you have concerns about your loved one in this regard.

People sometimes ask if this is mental "incompetence," but professionals now prefer the terms "capacity" and “incapacity”.

Video Chapters:

00:00 If your aging parent is making bad decisions
00:37 How to recognize signs of “mental incompetence” or incapacity?
03:11 The basics of decisional capacity and what it is
05:23 4 decision-making abilities needed for capacity
05:52 What’s the difference between capacity and cognition?
06:45 Why capacity is decision-specific
08:04 Why capacity can fluctuate
09:19 FAQ: How to know if an older person is losing decision-making capacity?
10:05 What to do if you're worried about your aging parent’s decisions
10:48 Example: An elderly woman refuses to see the doctor for falls
11:58 Incapacity vs. Incompetence: what’s the difference?
13:42 How does one get a parent's decisional capacity assessed?
15:25 Can primary care doctors assess decision capacity?
14:20 How to assess incapacity to activate “springing” power of attorney document
16:43 Recap of the episode


Helping Older Parents with Memory Loss:

Caregiving Tips for Aging Parents – HOP: Helping Older Parents:

Dr. K and her team of expert geriatric care managers currently provide ongoing support and guidance to families dealing with memory loss and Alzheimer’s through her latest online course, Helping Older Parents with Memory Loss.

WATCH Episode #2 – 10 Causes of Memory Loss in Old Age

WATCH Episode #6 – 10 Warning Signs of Early Alzheimer's Disease – HOP ML Podcast

WATCH Episode #7 – Talk to your Aging Parent about Memory Loss Concerns:

Dr. Kernisan's website, podcast, and YouTube channel all provide easy-to-follow instructions on how to deal with common health issues that affect the elderly.

Рекомендации по теме

What if they have always been what I wild consider incompetent? Like my mother-in-law has no idea how to check their bank account or how to fill up her own gas tank. It’s insane and hard to gauge what even is going on in that family.


*Video Chapters*
00:00 If your aging parent is making bad decisions
00:37 How to recognize signs of “mental incompetence” or incapacity?
03:11 The basics of decisional capacity and what it is
05:23 4 decision-making abilities needed for capacity
05:52 What’s the difference between capacity and cognition?
06:45 Why capacity is decision-specific
08:04 Why capacity can fluctuate
09:19 FAQ: How to know if an older person is losing decision-making capacity?
10:05 What to do if you're worried about your aging parent’s decisions
10:48 Example: An elderly woman refuses to see the doctor for falls
11:58 Incapacity vs. Incompetence: what’s the difference?
13:42 How does one get a parent's decisional capacity assessed?
15:25 Can primary care doctors assess decision capacity?
14:20 How to assess incapacity to activate “springing” power of attorney document
16:43 Recap of the episode


thank you
thank you
you have been a blessing! Ive been following you now for 2 years and have been proactive in trying to get my mom to get on board, unfortunately shes had 1 too many fall after fall; she insists on living alone, and recently was able to go back home under certain circumstances; After 6 plus months in and out of hospital. I did make aware to my other siblings of the UCSF dept of Geriatrics as well as the Center for Aging Adults. better late than never, One of my siblings is looking into this. Again Thank you u have been a blessing, i listen to your podcasts. Ive read the 36 hour day, do u have any other books u reccomend?
I just passed the book onto my 79 year old mother to read as well as let my other adult siblings about it too.


A lot of us "seniors" have no family or anyone who cares about them. We're on our own. Speak to this situation.


what is the fix for dementia or alzheimers beyond nursing home or suicide especially when it runs in the family along with basil cell cancer and heart disease.


Thank you for the video. Is there anything wrong with the thinking-if a person (he or she) can "take out the garbage" then he or she should be given the right to be helped by the lawyers of HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES?
