Starfield vs Star Wars Outlaws comparison

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Two of the hottest sci-fi video games go head to head! Welcome to this video where I’m comparing Star Wars Outlaws with Starfield to see which one comes out on top. Expect a few surprises along the way…

0:00 Outlaws takeoff
1:00 Starfield takeoff
1:44 Outlaws landing
3:09 Starfield landing
3:56 Outlaws swimming
4:20 Starfield swimming
4:35 Outlaws land vehicles
5:15 Starfield land vehicles
5:58 Outlaws space combat
6:53 Starfield space combat
7:43 Outlaws gunplay
8:30 Starfield gunplay
9:27 Outlaws fast travel
9:58 Starfield fast travel

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You know I think you can get a better Star Wars experience if you just mod Starfield into star wars, there is even a guy working in quests for it


Starfield is an Underrated Gem 💎 I imagine Outlaws will make people appreciate what Starfield was trying to do a little more 😅


One thing I have to admit is that Ubisoft was smart in camouflaging the loading screens in landing, taking off and grav. jump with the ship. Something that Bethesda is too lazy to do. These are basic things that should be in Starfield, better than staring at that black screen. Otherwise, Star Wars is simpler than Starfield.


Regular Starfield is already better
A modded Starfield is gonna obliterate Outlaws


Over all Starfield is better, better because you can build your character and aren't stuck playing with the one they made for you . Better because we can build our own ships, not just fly the one they gave us . Better guns better clothes, and of course mods that let you make the game new when it gets boring . Does anyone other than Bethesda make modding super easy by handing the players the tools they used to make the game ? Do any of them let you use console commands to tweak the game play ? Neither game is perfect, but people will still be playing Starfield long after Outlaws has been forgotten . Everything that you can say bad about Starfield is something that can be easily fixed with a mod, everything you can say bad about Outlaws you have to hope the developer fixes it some day .


I have 500+ hours in Starfield and 0 hours in Outlaws. The only thing that will change is my hours in Starfield.


Wow, Star Wars Outlaws has longer loading screens then Starfield. Is this what you were trying to show us? Who has faster loading times?


I'm going to be honest here, Outlaw's version looks like it will get old fast and just end up being boring to sit through a whole minute of what is basically just a hidden loading screen so I can land and go do actual gameplay stuff.


Honestly, rather look at a cool screenshot from one of my adventures, instead of just watching my ship fly straight into blankness for 30 secs


Starfield is honestly one of my all-time favorite games and no one can tell me otherwise

Even at lunch, I loved it


So Outlaws just hides the loading screen better? Like in tomb raider where they have Lara squeeze through gaps to slow her down while the game loads or mass effect 1 where you are in a lift till the game loads.


My verdict: Starfield wins by 5-2
Honestly, the loading screens are the bigger sin for Starfield.


They both have both pros and cons that super cool to see the similarities! I think if Starfield improved their loading screens and overall space experience it would actually be the better game, but I also love how interactive the encounters and events around the map there is in Outlaws! Thank you for the video Griff!!💖💖


Only thing outlaws has is the laser sounds Starfield needs for guns and ship battles. I like both games


Dam, you ain't even Starborn bro! Finish the game at least once!


Starfield is until now sept 2024 the best open world Outer-space game till date and i am sure it will remain same so for next 8-10 years cz developers are not giving up on it to bring more content every year.


What would really make this fair (not really, but it would make it more fun) is to compare Outlaws vs. Starfield with ALL the Star Wars mods. :D


This Star Wars game is really making people appreciate Starfield more when I used to just see people tearing the shit out of it 😂


Outlaws has better space, while starfield has better ground content and more of it.


Literally the only thing starfield needs and I honestly don’t care what anyone says otherwise they could add the feature to travel through solar systems and just space better! The way you do in no man’s sky. Add the planet to space exploration like in no mans sky and star citizen, I know starfield has a mod where it allows you to travel to a planet with astrogate mod, which is a really good mod it definitely increase the immersion of space exploration a bit but I just feel starfield would be even more extraordinarily if they added that into the game
