What Can You Do if You're Allergic To Your Pets?

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Pet owners who suffer from allergies to pets can have a tough time. How frustrating is it to be allergic to something you love?
Dr. Wendy Zimmerman discusses some tips that can help reduce pet allergies in this video.
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I really want a cat but my whole family (except for me and my dad) are allergic to cats. My mother's allergies are not as bad as my brother's, however, I was thinking about looking into hypoallergenic cats such as the Russian Blue or the Siberian. Plus, my mom and brother would basically have nothing to do with the cat and I would be the one doing everything with it. I'm hoping one day I can get a kitty without waiting until I move out. I am still trying to do more research and more responsible and hopefully, we can agree and take a look at a few hypoallergenic female spayed cats at the shelter. And *if* we get a cat I will always clean the litter box and brush and sweep and wipe down the cat because I really don't want to see my mother and brother with red eyes and sneezing and weezing. (I also know that no cat is 100% hypoallergenic).


i want a dog but my mom is allergic to dogs and my dad does not like dogs


I have always been allergic to cats but I let my older kids have them. Even the last week of September when I helped my oldest son's widow & daughters move I had no issue even though I forgot my claritin & my son's catbird a very big fluffy one. They have 4 cats and a bunny and I was fine. Unfortunately a few weeks later I walked into my doctor's office to pick up scrips and the moment I opened the door I was hit by a cloud of heavy perfume and I swear she wore the entire bottle. My reactive airway instantly slammed shut and within 48 hours I had chemical pneumonia. Right after I came out of the hospital we gave my daughter a kitten for her birthday. Big mistake. Apparently due to the pneumonia my allergy has morphed and it's not just the dander I am allergic to, I am deathly allergic to the saliva. After a week we were forced to get rid it as I was blistering through my clothes everytime I held it and not knowing the signs of anaphylaxis I had no idea that's what was causing my airway to close, blisters and chronic diahrea I assumed was side effects of antibiotics. It's been gone a month now and no matter how deep we have repeatedly cleaned I am still chronically ill. I have had to go through so many nebulizer treatments, rescue inhalers & epipens that my insurance company has begun refusing to pay. No matter what type of allergy medicine I took it wore offline 7 hours. That has progressed to now wearing off it 3 hours. And the one I am on now is a prescription so we will have to fight to get that refilled early as well.
I am a nurse so we have deep cleaned this house to OSHA regulation for my work. Washed all clothes & bedding. Scrubbed ceilings, fans walls furniture, floor and throw rugs. If it's in this house it's clean and in many cases steamed as well. I have to do something has I stay in anaphylaxis & have not only gone in shock but coded. We also have air purifyers & 1 stays on beside me at all times. I also keep my bedroom window open. Do you have any idea what we may be missing? We have an older home & no central air. My vacuum has a hepa filter. When I leave I feel better after awhile but the moment I come my airway closes


Does these informations ℹ️ work on birds?


Are there all natural or organic sprays and shampoos that work to reduce dander? Thank you, very informative video!


how long can i house a white bangel tiger?


do the blood test ?


If your allergic then the only way is not to have a pet, try gold fish
