Why I decided to remove my hijab.

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Y’all please bear with me as I relearn the YouTube life. I haven’t posted a video on here in years and man, have things changed. As promised, I’m dropping my personal story and sharing why I’m no longer wearing my hijab anymore.

I’ve been wearing it since the age of 7 years old, and it’s been an up (and downhill) battle ever since.

After almost three decades of wearing it full time, I’m doing something a little different. Follow me on my journey of (re)discovery.


Leah V

#hijabi #naturalhair #islam #muslimgirl #tiktok
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Thanks so much for talking about this. I feel like every Muslim woman's decision whether to wear hijab or not is so personal and individual, and it's great to hear and understand all the thinking that goes into it.


I am so happy you
are living your truth and BEING OUTSIDE!! I’m here for it sis 🩵🩵🩵🩵


You know the song that came to mind? “I am not my hair” by India Arie ✨ you are not your hijab, you are the soul that lives within. With hijab or without hijab women should be respected 💯


Living authentically is the greatest feeling of freedom! I have muslim friends that wear the hijab and some that do not. I respect them all and all are amazing women. Thanks for sharing your story.


I've been following you for YEARS like since you were married ... this is not a shock to me and I don't mean that in a condescending way I've been seeing this coming for a while ... I am NOT one to criticize anyone for their choices ... I wish you all the best and I hope you are successful in all of your endeavors moving forward


I am so glad I discovered your channel! I’m a chunky girl (size 24) & have suffered from various insecurities my entire life. I started making a conscious effort to do better health wise last month & 2 days ago I risked it all by doing a big chop & dyeing my hair, then today I discovered you. Who would have thought cutting off my hair would feel so freeing! Thank you for calling out all the unspoken foolishness we thick girls have to deal with😊


I’m proud of you with or without it and it doesn’t change your heart!! I know Muslim women on Wall Street that don’t wear it yet they’re strict with value/morals regarding Muslim faith (sorry if I’m using wrong terminology, not sure of correct wording).


Regardless of if you grew up in muslim house hold or not we all have to go on our own journey with islam and build our own relationship with God. That comment that we only have to wear hijab because of a mans gaze is ridiculous. Males have an aura as well, they also have parts they have to cover. I was just like you wearing clothes that showed my shape and a turban. Clubbing. But i found God. Im routing for you girl. Inshallah your relationship with God will grow and you will find peace and happiness in islam. P.s. wearing a hijab is also liberating 90% want us to stop wearing it but we still do 💖


the cheer team is here! life is a wild journey! hijab is a journey! neither are meant to be easy! live your life and be your best! love you!


Proud of you! With or without you always shine bright!!✨☀️


There is no value in hiding yourself from the world, hair is like nails, it glorifies God. If a man sexualizes you because of your hair then he is the problem. It's good that you are making decisions and thinking critically.
Christ came to redeem us from the Law, he came to give us total freedom...
Lastly, you are beautiful. You were fearfully and wonderfully made. ♥️🥺💯


P.S, your forehead looks super normal, not large at all!


It must be impossible to commit to just one path when you look freakin' good rocking all paths! I LOVE you in head wraps, and I LOVE you with this 'do. And the purple ugh, my fave colour and with the blonde crop - PERFECTION. Seriously, fire level hot


May Allah make your journey easy for you


It's good that you took it off. Let's be honest you never wore it the proper way... to be honest. Yes, you looked beautiful in a lot of your pictures but you were very controversial in terms of being a muslim woman in America. Clothing should not be tight nor form-fitting so as to avoid outlining the figure of a woman’s body. Let's be honest we all come in shape and sizes so we can't really judge it could be light fitting to some and tight to others.

Wearing hijab is a lifestyle not just a cloth you put on your head.

You don't want to abide things by a man but unfortunately that is western society. Has nothing to do with Islam that is the western society. Women just received the right to vote; it hasn't even been 100 years.

Modesty can manifest in various ways, such as modest clothing choices, speaking with humility about one's accomplishments, or refraining from seeking excessive attention or praise. For some, modesty might involve choosing clothing that provides coverage and comfort, regardless of body size, while for others, it could mean rejecting societal pressure to conform to certain beauty standards and embracing one's body confidently, regardless of its size. Ultimately, the definition of modesty for fat women, as for anyone, is subjective and can vary greatly depending on individual preferences, cultural background, and personal beliefs. It's about finding a balance between honoring oneself and navigating social expectations in a way that feels authentic and empowering.

My only advice: accept it or disregard it. Embrace your authenticity; refrain from comparing yourself to others, regardless of their size. Instead, focus on loving and appreciating your own unique qualities. Who cares about others' opinions or actions toward you? Strive to be the best version of yourself, surpassing who you were yesterday.


Would you ever put the hijab on again?


I feel the hijab was a whole self brand thing for you at some point! And maybe now you’re wanting to jazz up your influencer career with something different. Best of luck on your new endeavors ❤


Salam sister, it seems to me that you wore the hijab from the beginning for the wrong reasons as you stated you found it beautiful before. I would recommend you to research the reasons why we wear hijab and try to increase in faith. You can only be steadfast on hijab if you truly know why we do it and believe in it. Try to get closer to Allah and you’ll find yourself falling truly deeply in love with the hijab.

„O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad). That will be better, so that they may be recognised and not molested. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.” (Quran 33:59).


Ok I made! I only skimmed my knee a lil bit. 😂


What you wore on your IG page and every picture I've seen was not a hijab so you cant take off something you never wore 🤷🏾‍♀. Also your Muslim friends who say "they wouldn't cover if it weren't for the male gaze" don't know about the reason why we wear it, we wear the hijab and dress modest because Allah told us to dress modest and its an ayah in the quran, has nothing to do with male gaze
