Training On an Empty Stomach - Still a Bad Idea (New Study)

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New Study

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They were not just fasted, but dehydrated.


I always train on a ~10h-empty stomach (after waking up). It's when I feel most energetic. If I train within 3h of eating I feel like throwing up.


I like training fasted. It fits with my schedule and responsibilities and builds mental toughness. I don’t care what one study says. And I don’t need to optimize every single facet of my workouts


Nah but honestly…how do you exercise on a full stomach 😭❓


When i train for gymnastics skills i've realized i can perform them much easier with an empty stomach. But if i do weight training, i can lift more weight when i consume pre workout meal.


It's been 3 years since i started OMAD and i always train fasted. I did my PRs in a fasted state. We have stored energy in our body. It's not like the pre-workout meal is the only food energy you can use


Yeah I'll keep training fasted because on an empty stomach I have so much more energy, endurance, and even motivation. Also I can breathe better while fasted.


The study is flawed from the getgo. When you train fasted (I do and it's amazing) you normally are going to do it soon after you wake up, not in the afternoon. Seems like every single study that's out there to disprove the benefits of fasting or low carb lifestyles are always skewed in order to show how "wrong" we are.. On top of that they made people who were not fat adapted do this, it was people who did not have the adaptations necessary to optimally function in a fasted state. This is where individual studies being treated as some sort of smoking gun that proves something are anything but.


your content is good, but the headline is way to clickbaity. its not about empty stomach, its about fasting, which is a completly diffrent thing


Wait our bodies aren't built to hunt down prey for food when we're hungry?


Do what feels right for you and don't be scared of something being a little harder, that's what makes you stronger


I think in order for this to work you must eat at least 2 hours prior to lifting so all the blood rushing to the stomach that is digesting the food, doesn't take away from other areas of the body. 16 years lifting and always trained fasted with great results. The meal you eat the night before has either broken down so you can use that energy as glycogen or still shuttling, if you workout in morning. No bro science, just good training routine, proper rest and diet will work just fine.


it has probably more to do with them not drinking water than with not eating.
I do feel more energetic when training on an empty stomach


Have been training 12h+ fasted for years (not including coffee ofc). From my experience, I just feel better training on an empty stomach or at least 4 hours after eating. And the strength gain from such a small time is mainly in your head. The days where I didn't "feel like it", I couldn't do my lifts properly, but not because of the fasting, because my mental wasn't there.


I mean come on lets use some logic here. If you are training fasted we are assuming you are doing an actual fast which is 12-24 hours. The whole purpose is to help cells use excess resources effectively and burn fat. If you are fed of course you will lift heavier your glycogen stores are full and any added sugars are going to give you a boost. The only issue is insufficient protein intake.

The bottom line is dont fast to lift fast to burn fat, but keep in mind you should still intake tons of water since hydration is key and your metabolism will drop. Granted a 24 hr fast isnt going to kill your gains every two weeks.

Edit: Fast to burn fat via walking. Avoid intense things that require heavy exertion on the muscle since the muscle will tear and with insufficient protein you will lose muscle over extended periods of time.


There’s a difference between fasting and being hungry. On a ketogenic diet I was able to workout after the whole day of fasting without any downside. I’m currently bulking and obviously I can’t do the same thing now. Fasted exercise is great for fat loss but basically nothing else


The study had few participants (40), was over a short period of time and the difference in strength gains were not significant enough to draw any conclusions. I also do not have access to the full study, and it does not say anything about if diet was controlled for in the abstract, which is strange. If diet was was not accounted for, then the study is completely flawed.

While it is an interesting study, I would not draw any conclusions from it.

If you enjoy training fasted, then train fasted. If not, then eat before you train. It really is that simple at the end of the day.


I just can't agree with this. I perform much better on empty stomach, given that I had sufficient calorie intake previous day. It also gives fat burning a chance, makes u more focused and committed.


My busy schedule forces my hand to workout in the early morning on nothing but a cup of black coffee. My gains probably aren't maximized, but it'll have to do.


It took me awhile to get used to fasted workouts….. can’t go back.
