Nvidia RTX 4080 Super RUINS The 80 Class FOREVER! Wait For RTX 50 Series & AMD Price DROP?

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🚀 Welcome back to the channel, everyone! In today's video, we dive deep into the recent release of the RTX 4080 Super and the mixed bag of opinions surrounding it. Priced at $1000, this high-end GPU promises a boost in performance, but does it live up to the hype? We'll dissect benchmarks, discuss the minimal improvements, and explore whether the "Super" branding is justified. Is it a worthwhile upgrade, or should you consider alternative options? Join the conversation as we navigate through the intricacies of the RTX 4080 Super, revealing the truth about its value in the ever-evolving graphics card landscape. Stick around for an unbiased review, as we tackle the crucial question: Should you invest in the RTX 4080 Super, or is it time to wait for the next-gen 50 series? Let's get right into it! 🔍💻 #RTX4080Super #GPUReview #TechTalk 🎮


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I'd argue that the 35% gap from 4080 to 4090, and $1200 price, ruined the 80-class.
The 4080 "super" is just an underwhelming band-aid on the price part.


Skip it" generation.
To pay 43% more money over the $700 3080 10GB to get a 50% uplift just doesn't make sense.
Soon this kind of performance will be available for ~$700 with the 5070 and then this will make sense where for the same $700 people will get a ~50% performance uplift.
The $1000 price tag for an 80-class card is just absurd that Nvidia is pushing more and more with each generation. 1080 was $600, 2080 and 3080 were $700.
And don't tell me about fake excuses like inflation because you don't see it in other markets like monitors, CPUs, SSDs, or even the 4090 itself $100 over the 3090.
And don't tell me about another fake excuse like "expensive TSMC"
First. The 4080's chip is 40% smaller than the 3080's chip
The chip for the 3080 is 630mm. with $6k per wafer, the chip costs $80
The chip for the 4080 is 380mm. even with $18k per wafer, the chip costs $132
Even if TSMC would be 3x more expensive (and is not) the difference in cost of the chip would be $50 - not $500.
xx80 for $1000 is just nuts. Nvidia just made from the 4090 a Titan class card and from the 4080 the xx90 class card in terms of pricing. This is beyond greed and nothing else.
No wonder this market is dying and most games are created for consoles and then poorly ported to PCs because even devs don't care about this market anymore. Sad reality.


$999 (before tax) to play games... no thanks. i capped it at 500. Thats quite a chunk of money already. Whatever 500 gets me when it's time to upgrade will be what I'm going with.


These videos completely ignore the fact that not everyone upgrades when new GPU's come out. People upgrade when they can afford to do so / when it works in their lives. Not everyone can time that with the next GPU release. This whole just sit around and wait a year doesn't work if you need new HW now.

For people in this position a 4080 costing 200 less is a good thing, should it have been this price all along? Yeah - no shit. I don't like nvidia's business, but giving us a price cut is a good thing and here in Canada it's put the 4080S and XTX in direct price competition with one another when previously the XTX was 300-400 cheaper.


If you can find a lightly used or open box 4080 for under $900 I would get it over a 4080 super. Only like 1-2 fps difference.


Damn I was able to grab a 4090 at msrp the start of this generation. Seems like the market really hasn't been getting better.


I have an AMD RX 580 8GB, and I am buying an RTX 4080 Super in the next few days here in Brazil. Because of the reduced price and the avalanches of the super series here and because of the desirable prices from AMD on 7800 XT, 7900 XT, and even 7900 XTX, the price of 4080 S is insanely attractive even though it is pricier than AMD contrapart. Still, because I will have to use this card for Stable Diffusion and DaVinci Resolve Studio, I will choose the 4080 Super because of the high compatibility and insane performance on IAs, but sure, If you already have a not-so-old card, I believe is better to get a 4070 TS or wait the next series.


The pricing for the 4080 Super is $200-300 more in Australia than the standard model, which was already at a steep price. So definitely not the best value for those who are coming from a previous generation and was hoping for a better performance lift, especially in terms of pricing. That said, I still went for the standard 4080 as someone who has been stuck with a 1080ti for many years and while it has done fine, it's starting to show it's limitations. But still, Nvidia needs to do better and I feel like the price would have been acceptable if they gave the Super variant an extra 4GB of VRAM but I guess that would have made too much sense.


Very well said "Skip it", This is a Skip it Generation 👏👏👏


I bought my 3070 at MSRP in Jan 2021 and needed something that would allow me to use raytracing and DLSS in games at 1440p and 4K. I picked up a 4080 Super from Micro Center this past Wed at MSRP and I'm happy with it. Yeah, it's probably not the best value even though it's cheaper than the original 4080 but I got what I needed.


It doesn't matter buy now or not. You buy now, next year your GPU is outdated. This is so stupid. I remember when the 1080 Ti was such a big deal that the 20 series weren't worth buying until the 30 series came through. Then, the 40 series came out of nowhere and just blew the 30 series out of the water. So the 20 series should have been the 30 series and the 40 series the soon to be 50 series. This is so stupid.

I still have the 1080 Ti with the i7 8700k and because of the updated upscaling for the 1080 Ti, I can literally play almost every video games at high resolution 60 plus fps at 1440p as a back up PC in the living room. And in the man cave I have the latest i7 with the 3080 and it runs everything I want very well including gaming but I wanted the 3080 ti but at the time couldn't find it. Then the 40 series came out of nowhere and have dlss 3.0 and FG. And, I was really thinking do I wanna upgrade but then the 50 series are just around the corner. You see how stupid this is. You don't even have the chance to enjoy your card and it is already absolute. Out of all of the cards, the 1080 Ti card is the one that still holds its true value for me and the black sheep card that came out of Nvidia.


The moment 4080 super hit the market, I bought a regular 4080 PC at 900 bucks for the card as system builders were instantly dropping prices to get rid of stock :D


Just my thought, there are “suckers” out there like me that already bought into the 40 series, and would be minimal benefit from buying the 4080 super… but when the next generation doesn’t really improve on what some of us have bought, the 40 super series may end up being a deal!


Stop buying GPUs and you will see good prices next gen. Simple as that.
Stupid gamers buying expensive GPUs are making it difficult even to afford a 6600XT.


Just upgraded from a 2070S to 4080S and cannot be happier. Going away from your narrative, I knew exactly what I was buying. What people should be asking themselves, am I going to be playing in 2K or 4K. If 2K, then the 4070S. If 4K, then the 4080S. Its the 4070 TI S that finds itself in a weird place. Not a place where I wanted to put my money.


I bought the TUF 4080 super at MSRP, I just successfully nvflashed it to the Strix OC 420W from 350W power limit. Nvidia reduced the power limit /VRM limit for the 4080 super, hence it perform worse than some of the original 4080. By applying the strix 420W vbios to it, that's the power dealt with. The VRM design on the ASUS Noctua 4080 is Vishay SIC639 DrMOS rated for 50A max, while the TUF 4080 super has Vishay SIC654A DrMOS rated for 50A with max burst mode of 70A. So technically spec wise, my TUF 4080 super should now perform better than any 4080. Anyway my undervolt/overclock settings at 900mV - 2570Mhz runs full load of 51°C stable. I'm pretty happy with it and don't plan to upgrade for at least 8 years. Word of warning tho, I am not responsible if you brick your GPU with a vbios flash.


If you are getting the 4080 super, just get the MSRP version. All the OC version are just out to get your money with a 0.5 to 1 % uplift 😂


The issue on this is the timing yes we are awhile out from the 5070 which I expect to match the 4080 at a minimum but in 6 to 9 months we will have a 8800xt from AMD that will probably almost match that 4080 in raster for $500 or $600 at the max. The refresh NVIDIA brought is great for people that need to upgrade but it does nothing to make you want to.


4080s is better price; Are too stupidy say: "ruins" 80 cards. 200 buckets less is a good trade for me. IF u have a 2080super. I thing is a good trade.


I was able to pick up a 4090 FE edition last week, doing my first gaming build this weekend switching from console gaming. I was going to wait for the 50 series, but those things will be well over 3k because they’ll be sold out due to scalpers then resold for insane price tag. We won’t be able to get one day one by the time I get my hands on one it’ll prob be end of 2025. So I’ll enjoy my 4090 as long as it doesn’t melt like others have reported, until I can get a 5090 I’ll enjoy the hell out of the 4090.
