Countertenor voice range

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This is the range of a countertenor voice.

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I'm a counter tenor and as soon as it hit octave 6 I went through puberty again. If I wanted to continue I had to hit some unatural singing chords.


Ok, what does it mean if a woman handles the low notes perfectly fine and struggles with the higher tenor ones? :D


I beg your pardon, but I find this to be inaccurate. It is very dangerous (and untrue) to state that the average countertenor can hit a C6. A vast majority of countertenors top out at F5 or G5, and many cannot sing comfortably past E5. The range featured in this video is only for sopranist countertenors; which is to say, countertenors who sing in the soprano range. But sopranists are only about 10% of all classically trained countertenors! I would say the comfortable range for an average countertenor would go up to E5, with G5 being his highest singable note (not counting screaming or shrieking). I can go a little higher than that, but then again, I am a mezzo countertenor. There is just no way this video represents the typical vocal range of a countertenor, and it could be misleading to young students, encouraging them to push up and ruin their voices because they think they don't sing high enough.
Source: I am a classically trained countertenor since 9 years ago, and I know quite a few of other countertenors. None of them can reach C6. Not even the worldwide renowned Philippe Jaroussky or Andreas Scholl. There is of course some who can (Franco Fagioli or Valer Barna Sabadus, for example), but they are very rare.


Couldn't sing last four notes
But will try every day.


Countertenor especially the tenor Altino is a tenor who possess a androgynous timbre and a Tessitura of a Mezzo soprano or soprano


my range is
*D3* my lowest chestvoice
*C6* my highest chesty mix
*D6* my highest heady mix
*F6* my highest headvoice


Hell, no, dude! This is the range of a Sopranist. Most Countertenors sing in the Mezzo range.


the last 2 note was very high, I just need a warm up to do them all....


I always wanted to meet another countertenor. Cause it's not everyday I see this type and I really wanted to share our similarities, u know? Someone like you and your voice. I like to look up for other people's voice to get some references. I don't know any countertenor like me. My total range is like: lowest note was a C#2. Mixed voice/belting was a flat C#6 (something between C6 and C#6). Highest head voice was a F6 along with my falsetto. Whistle was around A7-Bb7. Anyway, I just wanted to share this haha


I'm definitely a countertenor for sure but I think I might be a sopranist countertenor cuz I can belt much higher than the average soprano and i can barely sing in the 3rd and 4th octave cuz I'm a lot more comfortable singing in the 5th octave. My highest belted note is an E6 and my vocal range spans from G2 to Db7.


Never heard of this before. In madrigal in high school, I could hit B8. I had a second falsetto in my sinuses.


Got in my whistle on the last ones (its the morning and can only do them in the morning)😭😭


Does it count if you can hit them all with a connected masked head voice?


My full vocal range is F2 - C6 but im mostly comfortable from C3-F5 and my tone is like lori perry and Cece Winans and Debbie Winans i can sing Whitney Houston and Aretha Franklin with ease i think im a dramatic mezzo countertenor or either alto


My highest is the A. But I am more comfortable with the F#/G


Countertenor aka tenor Altino the true one has a androgynous timbre and a tessitura of a Mezzo soprano or soprano


I can sing from D2(lowest chest voice) to G4(highest chest voice) up to B5(highest head voice), am I a light lyric tenor or high tenor or countertenor? I am a male, thanks.


What does it mean if I couldn’t sing the last two notes? Do I not fall within the countertenor range or something?


So idk what I am, my voice in chest goes to about d5/e5 maybe e5 at a slight mix but on a bad day can only do c5 in chest, HOWEVER, I can go all the way to a g5 or maybe at a push g#5 in my mix, my falsetto however idk, but I can do whistle notes too, I used to sing lower and talk low but my voice dropping has sort of reversed back a bit later on into these past two years, my friends told me my voice hasn’t really got a range, it’s just everywhere! So someone tell me what I am


Do I count as a countertenor if I'm trans female to male?
