La Martin talks about Muhammad (pbuh) - Dr Zakir Naik

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La Martin talks about Muhammad (pbuh) - Dr Zakir Naik

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Bismillah, Let’s start the program Chacha Zakir naik 😊


Assalamualaikum....DR.Zakir Naik
MasyaAllah Tabarakallah Aamiin


Dear Dr Zaki Nail, make sure to put Prophet before the Prophet’s name ﷺ


Dr Neik, Which version of Arabic Qu’rans did/do you study and memorize?


Show us one grateness or a moral character of Your prophet mohy


Five things that Muslims cannot and will never answer:

1. The word "al-Masih" (Messiah) means "the anointed" in Hebrew, and it always meant "the savior" in Jewish history. If Jesus is al-Masih, whom did Jesus save from what by how?

2. "I challenge you to show me one verse from the Bible that Jesus clearly states Himself as God."
Challenge accepted.
Isaiah 44:6 (God says): "... I am the first and I am the last, and there is no God besides Me."
Revelation 22:13 (Jesus says): "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."

3. If the Bible is corrupt, where in the Quran does it say that? If the Bible is corrupt, why do you find evidence of Muhammad from a corrupt book? If the Bible is corrupt, why does Allah give the same authority to it as the Quran (Surah 9:111), and order Muhammad to "ask the people of scripture about what I have revealed to you"? (10:94)

4. God in the Bible calls the temple "My House" and Allah in the Quran calls the Kabaah "My House." If infinite God comes into the finite building, does He cease to be limitless? If God enters the building, does God stop being everywhere (omnipresence)? Who is God inside the building, and who is God outside the building? (Now change "the building" with "a human form" and read it again.)

5. The Quran was not preserved perfectly.
5-1. You do not have the original Quran, which is a compilation of bark, leaves, leather, and stones that Zayd ibn Thabit collected.
5-2. Many people who memorized the Quran died during the war.
5-3. People fought and even killed each other because of different recitations.
5-4. When Zayd compiled the Quran, there were two verses that only one man remembered. But the Quran teaches that you need at least two men for valid testimony.
5-5. Ibn Masud didn't like the Quran which was compiled by Zayd and even said, "It is deceitful."
5-6. Aysha reported that there were more than 200 verses in Surah 33, but now you have only 73 verses.
5-7. Zayd compiled "one" version, but you have "seven" Qiraats and even more versions of the Quran that read and mean differently. Even though you do not believe in any Hadith narration above, this fact can solely disprove the perfect preservation of the Quran because nowhere in the Quran says about dialects.
5-8. If the Quran is preserved by memorization and recitation, shouldn't Zayd, Ibn Masud, or other companions remember the whole Quran without asking other people, without looking for written materials, without disagreeing with each other? Even the closest companions of Muhammad didn't memorize the Quran perfectly.


This guy is lost. He doesn't have a relationship with God. This guy denys God's word and who Jesus says He is. This guy sounds like a fool. I hope he stops rejecting God's free gift of salvation by His Grace. God is clear when He tells us to believe in the one whom He sent ( Jesus Christ God made flesh. Jesus also says no one comes to the Father but by Those are Jesus'very words.


Because the Devil had a bigger plan to decieve more people. Isaiah 14 tells us "he Satan desires to be like the Most High " Read the parable of the Tares of the field Matthew Chapter 13 The Devil sows Tares among the Wheat the seeds the devil sows are false doctrines to deceive people Revelation 12:9 " Satan deceives the whole world " not just a few again Matthew 24 Jesus said " Many false prophets shall come and shall deceive many " not a few many!
Muslims don't realise they are decieved God doesn't contradict himself the Hebrew scriptures speak of the suffering messiah written hundreds and even thousands of years before Jesus was born. Psalm 22 " they pierced my hands and feet my tongue cleaves to my jaw all my bones are out of joint... "
Isaiah 53 " He was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities, cut off out of the land of the living for the transgressions of my people was he stricken... " Jesus fulfilled these and many other prophecies to the letter in the New Testament. Eyewitnesses saw him crucified and saw him after he rose from the dead. He empowered them with the Holy Ghost and sent them into all the world to preach the good news healings and miracles followed their preaching the Lord working with them. Thousands of Jews and other nationalities became Christians. Understanding that the death of Jesus was as an atonement for their sins. He is called the Lamb of God.
Then 600 years later Mohammed comes along who never met Jesus and says he never suffered and never died this is the main contradiction I am talking about.
Jesus said "Many false prophets shall come and shall deceive many "
Don't be deceived friends Jesus is the only true path to heaven all others are counterfeits no matter how nice they may seem. Jesus said "I am the true shepherd who gives his life for the sheep" through Jesus you can be filled with the Holy Ghost and enter into a new and exciting relationship with God. The love joy and peace I found can be your too.
God is good and the devil is a liar and a clever deciever.
