Reckoning with The Primal Wound official trailer

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A film reckoning with relinquishment trauma and Nancy Verrier's landmark book, The Primal Wound.


*The director understands that profitting off of adoptee trauma is a sensitive subject. Rebecca / Autumn is an adoptee amplifying adoptee voices, and is committed to spreading this film as far and wide as possible to bring understanding about relinquishment trauma.

**10% any proceeds made from the distribution of this film will be donated directly to adoptees via a Self Care Fund on the facebook group's page

*** the production of this film has been a labor of love for Rebecca and she has used no budget and made no money off of the film as of now. Film production has been out-of-pocket and the Go Fund Me is the first step in covering future operational costs
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Wow, what a powerful trailer! Looking forward to seeing the full documentary.


I cannot wait for this film. As an adopted in England, I devoured Nancy's book. It gave me everything. ❤


As an Australian Domestic adoptee from the closed adoption era (Forced Adoption era/Baby Scoop era), I first read ‘The Primal Wound’ 25 years ago.
This reading was the first step for me in acquiring a vocabulary that explained and described my experience of adoption.

‘Reckoning with the Primal Wound’ helps elevate the conversation beyond the printed page with an intelligent and intimate portrait of the lived experience of relinquishment and removal.
In centring the adoptee experience within this larger conversation it helps give a much-needed voice that is often not heard.
What it helps to illustrate is that ‘adoption’ is in itself not a simple and singular event.
It has a dramatic and ongoing effect throughout the lifetime of the individual.

As this story unfolded on screen I was profoundly moved as I could see difficulties playing out, with questions being asked that were all too similar to my own experience and other adoptees I intimately know.


As a baby scoop era Adoptee, and someone who has been trying to educate about Adoption for years, this is so very needed!!! Thank you for doing this.


Leaving us hanging with the question, “Should a child never be adopted” isn’t fair. I’ve been shut down with that question too many times to count, which feels like my trauma is being dismissed. I hope I live to see the day where adoption is a last resort and when needed, adoptees are empowered and society allows adoptees to process their grief and express themselves freely…and have complete access to their biological families should they so choose. I’m eager (but tentative, because it’s gonna open unattended wounds) to see this documentary. I’m so thankful for technology and social media that has given us the ability to mobilize the adoptee community and educate society. Thank you fellow adoptees, for the emotional labour you put into this kind of work. I see you.


I want so much not to associate with being wounded. I've wrapped, bound and concealed that wound from a world that would rather believe in the resilence of children without the recognition of the scars that this most basic rejection leaves.
Look forward to the documentary and the perspectives it offers.


This is such a powerful trailer and project itself, Rebecca! We can't wait to see more, congratulations!


Simply, and with all the gratitude in my heart, thank you!


I've known I was adopted my whole life but never felt like anyone understood what goes on in my head and my heart. 😔


This is monumental!!! Beautiful trailer. So many people will find meaning in this.


I can't wait to see this full doco.


Crying from a trailer, I can say that’s one thing I’ve never done before now. Obviously it’s personal as I’m an adoptee. I’m so excited to see this!


I can’t wait for the world to see what I’ve lived all of my life on the big screen.


I recommend your book to everyone I know/meet who is part of the adoption triad.


This is all so interesting I look forward to learning more! But the question at the end hits me the wrong way. It’s too absolute of a question to a complex situation. Yes, I probably have trauma from being separated at birth but also I feel strongly that I would have been traumatized if I hadn’t been.


This looks amazing. I can't wait to see it.


I’m a transracial adoptee, adopted by white people, and I struggled in every way possible as well as was abused in every way possible. People need to understand the trauma adoption had on us adoptees. How we grieve and yearn for what we lost. I hope the more outspoken us adoptees are the more it changes the narrative of this for profit business of selling humans like commodities. Adoption doesn’t give us a better life, but a different one.


From one female filmmaker to another, there is nothing wrong with being paid for your time. Why do female filmmakers always feel guilt for being paid for their time when creating more awareness for such subjects while men will charge a great deal more for doing the same thing and have no guilt doing so? Now that is the next documentary to explore ;-) I would happily be part of it.


This is incredible.
When and where will the film be available?


I'm looking forward to watching the film
