Prof. Luigi Fontana - Domanda #4 : Una restrizione calorica eccessiva può danneggiare la salute?
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Se volete approfondire alcuni di questi concetti e non conoscete l'inglese leggete questi due libri che ho scritto:
La Grande Via. Mondadori Ed
La felicita' ha il sapore della salute. Slow Food Editore
Articoli scentifici di approfondimento:
1: Fontana L, Partridge L. Promoting health and longevity through diet: from model organisms to humans. Cell. 2015;161(1):106-118.
2: Fontana L, Partridge L, Longo VD. Extending healthy life span--from yeast to humans. Science. 2010 Apr 16;328(5976):321-6.
3: Longo VD, Fontana L. Calorie restriction and cancer prevention: metabolic and molecular mechanisms. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2010 Feb;31(2):89-98.
4: Most J, Tosti V, Redman LM, Fontana L. Calorie restriction in humans: An update. Ageing Res Rev. 2017 Oct;39:36-45.
5: Yang L, Licastro D, Cava E, Veronese N, Spelta F, Rizza W, Bertozzi B, Villareal DT, Hotamisligil GS, Holloszy JO, Fontana L. Long-Term CalorieRestriction Enhances Cellular Quality-Control Processes in Human Skeletal Muscle. Cell Rep. 2016 Jan 26;14(3):422-428.
6: Fontana L, Hu FB. Optimal body weight for health and longevity: bridging basic, clinical, and population research. Aging Cell. 2014 Jun;13(3):391-400.
7: Cava E, Fontana L. Will calorie restriction work in humans? Aging (Albany NY). 2013 Jul;5(7):507-14. PubMed PMID: 23924667;
8: Mercken EM, Crosby SD, Lamming DW, JeBailey L, Krzysik-Walker S, Villareal DT, Capri M, Franceschi C, Zhang Y, Becker K, Sabatini DM, de Cabo R, Fontana L. Calorie restriction in humans inhibits the PI3K/AKT pathway and induces a younger
transcription profile. Aging Cell. 2013 Aug;12(4):645-51.
La Grande Via. Mondadori Ed
La felicita' ha il sapore della salute. Slow Food Editore
Articoli scentifici di approfondimento:
1: Fontana L, Partridge L. Promoting health and longevity through diet: from model organisms to humans. Cell. 2015;161(1):106-118.
2: Fontana L, Partridge L, Longo VD. Extending healthy life span--from yeast to humans. Science. 2010 Apr 16;328(5976):321-6.
3: Longo VD, Fontana L. Calorie restriction and cancer prevention: metabolic and molecular mechanisms. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2010 Feb;31(2):89-98.
4: Most J, Tosti V, Redman LM, Fontana L. Calorie restriction in humans: An update. Ageing Res Rev. 2017 Oct;39:36-45.
5: Yang L, Licastro D, Cava E, Veronese N, Spelta F, Rizza W, Bertozzi B, Villareal DT, Hotamisligil GS, Holloszy JO, Fontana L. Long-Term CalorieRestriction Enhances Cellular Quality-Control Processes in Human Skeletal Muscle. Cell Rep. 2016 Jan 26;14(3):422-428.
6: Fontana L, Hu FB. Optimal body weight for health and longevity: bridging basic, clinical, and population research. Aging Cell. 2014 Jun;13(3):391-400.
7: Cava E, Fontana L. Will calorie restriction work in humans? Aging (Albany NY). 2013 Jul;5(7):507-14. PubMed PMID: 23924667;
8: Mercken EM, Crosby SD, Lamming DW, JeBailey L, Krzysik-Walker S, Villareal DT, Capri M, Franceschi C, Zhang Y, Becker K, Sabatini DM, de Cabo R, Fontana L. Calorie restriction in humans inhibits the PI3K/AKT pathway and induces a younger
transcription profile. Aging Cell. 2013 Aug;12(4):645-51.