Assets That Will Make You Earn Money

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10 Assets That Will Make You Earn Money
Looking for ways to boost your income and achieve financial success? Today I will reveal the top 10 assets that can help you earn money and build long-term wealth! Whether you're a seasoned investor or just getting started, these assets are sure to provide a lucrative return on investment. So buckle up and get ready to learn about the smartest ways to make your money work for you!

If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will have to work hard all your life. For most people, making money outside of a job, where you exchange your time for money, is just a fantasy or seems too difficult to achieve. Instead, wealthy people are aware of a range of potential ways to earn money.

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Trip2Wealth is a channel about everything related to money, including smart tactics for investing and achieving financial independence. On our channel, we discuss personal finance, the stock market, the US economy, debt reduction, wealth creation, the housing market, financial planning for savings, business ideas and jobs, tips on how to invest in the stock market from well-known investors, passive income, money management, and inflation. The videos are intended to be educational and should not be considered as financial advice.

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My goal is to provide my audience with the highest quality, most informative, and mind-blowing financial wealth on YouTube. I believe in complete transparency and open communication. I believe that knowledge is power, so I will share my knowledge with you. Change your attitude towards money, and you will change your life. ❤.

All content in this channel is for entertainment and educational purposes only.
I am not a professional financial advisor and our statements are not to be taken as instructions or directions. In addition, some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you, we may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Enjoy and thank you for your support!

►Music Credit goes to:
Punch Deck - Ethereal is under a Creative Commons license

⏱️Time Stamps⏱️
Рекомендации по теме

1. Growth stocks
2. Dividend stocks
3. ETF/Indexed Mutual Funds
4. Active Mutual Funds
5. Cryptocurrencies
6. Bonds
7. Real estate properties
8. Running business
9. Digital assets marketing
10. Financial education


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Success is a state of mind. I start investing my cash in other to achieve all my dream with the help of Lucy Mary Liam. The difference Mrs Lucy Mary make in my life is second to none. It's definitely a life changing kindness. I really appreciate her effort in my life time.


“Often, the more money you make the more money you spend; That’s why more money doesn’t make you rich – assets make you rich.” – Robert Kiyosaki


How can I grow my portfolio to outpace inflation and maintain a successful long-term strategy? I have been reading of investors making about $250k profit within a month during downturns, and I need ideas on how to achieve similar profits.


Number 1- Stocks
Number 2-Stocks
Number 3-Stocks
Number 4-Here it comes .... Stocks
Number 5 You will not believe this, it's Stocks 😂😂😂


First step would like to start #10 Education Financial in order to follow 1-9 rules.. ❤


I'm wondering why you didnt mention physical gold as an asset. Its up over 600% the last 20 yrs


I have 15 rental homes, each pay out 2k each a month. All relatively passive. I am currently traveling the world right now. I’m at the airport and heading to Australia (country number 65). My advice don’t work 9-5 jobs. Invest your money in real estate or stock market. You won’t ever have to “work” again.


Bogle created the first index fund, to help the little guy invest in the stock market, without dealing with stockbrokers, he spent the majority of his life making others rich, he made sure the little guys got a piece of the pie, and he believed in wealth distribution when he died at 89 in 2019, he was only worth 80 million, he was driven to help people, not himself, Vanguard controls 8 trillion, and made sure the people who invested into it controlled it, not a hedge fund.He was never a billionaire, he focused on spreading the wealth, Trip 2 Wealth is putting out the wrong info.


Thanks sir for Simple explanation.. yet of great value... Give more insight on investment...God bless you 🙏


Whatever you do to grow wealth be aware of your setup in term of strictiring. If you do everything in your personal name all you succesfull investing income will be subject to tax. The more you earn the more Tax you have to pay. But if you use properstructuring you can protect you assest and limit your tax liability.


More videos and more videos! I'm really enjoying and taking seriously notes.




more 👍
one of the best tutorials on the Web ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


The majority of people don’t have enough assets to leverage the kind of returns on these investments that would make you rich.


🤑 I never realized how many investment opportunities were out there – from index funds to real estate to cryptocurrencies.
That bit about John C. Bogle's simple yet effective investment strategy was a real eye-opener. 💡
And who knew there was so much potential in digital assets?! 🌐
Thanks for this insightful and engaging content – can't wait to dive deeper into some of these assets and watch my wealth grow! 🚀"


Investing in alternative income streams that are independent of the government should be the top priority for everyone right now. especially given the global economic crisis we are currently experiencing. Stocks, gold, silver, and virtual currencies are still attractive investments at the moment.


Give me more of your wisdom. Thank you.


Will price of gold always increase over time.?


Did you use AI to make the video? Im very curious and if you did then well done!!
