Chastity Advice that Actually Works

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Jackie and Bobby offer advice on how to practically live out the virtue of chastity.

There's a big difference between talking about chastity and living chastely. If you've made the commitment, but struggle to follow through, then this video is for you.

These tips leave no room for excuses. The couple that follows these six guidelines will not only persevere in chastity, but grow in holiness in the process:

1. Remember only God can satisfy our longing for love.

2. Know yourself. Don’t go where you’re tempted.

3. Make sure the person you are dating is on the same page as you when it comes to chastity.

4. Have friendships that will hold you accountable.

5. Have some boundaries. For example, if you know temptation peaks around 10 p.m., part ways at 10 p.m.

6. Stay detached in certain ways from the person you’re dating. Keep in mind they may not be the person you marry.



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I’m 15 and my parents are no longer together. I wanted to see a good model of marriage and I’ve seen y’alls videos and I feel so much better to know that loving marriages are possible. Thanks
-Luke Hebert


Just went through a very hard temptation and started praying the rosary then this video pops up thanks guys :)

Please pray for me


This needs to be played for youth groups. It is the least judgemental or preachy and most well balanced discussion of chastity that I have ever seen.


Great video! My wife and I followed a similar formula and it works! May I suggest an addition to #5: End your date with prayer. We didn't always end with prayer but it cools things down at the end of a date and sets the focus where it belongs.


That is one of the things that my husband said he loved and respected about me. I was not willing to compromise my values when it came to intimacy and other areas of my life. I had bowed to pressure and changed my values for other men I dated and found that 3 months in, I was no longer myself. I didnt marry those men.

Once I discovered who I was and my relationship with God and learned to love who I was, God blessed me with a wonderful man. my husband and I will celebrate 11 yrs of marriage this year.


1 week ago I deleted social media ( feels like its been forever haha) and started getting more involved in my church and reading the Bible. I will not let temptation win!


Don't forget that chastity is for married couples too! Why not add a part 2 to this video and talk about protecting marriages from flirting with others, adultery, etc.? I see marriages around me crumbling because of lack of chastity too. It's not just for the single.


I am probably a professional youtube watcher.


I wanted to add on to the Tired of HALT: I struggle a lot with lust, and although it has become easier (with LOTS of prayer) to steer away from temptation when I'm awake, it gets really hard when I'm lying half-asleep in bed. I started praying a rosary as I was going to sleep, and have learned that I have to treat this time just like any other time in my life: no compromising, no leaving room for sin. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm praying, so that I don't give my thoughts time to wander.
To clarify: you can't beat your desires into submission- trust me, I've tried. It's only by re-orienting yourself through prayer that you'll recieve the grace you need to put your desires in order. What I'm referring to is when you are capable of acting chastely, but choose to leave yourself just a little bit open to temptation. That's when you have to stand firm.

Hope this helps anyone struggling with similar problems!


This is the first time I saw someone here in YouTube do the Sign of the Cross and its so refreshing, thanks guys! 👍🏻👏🏻👋🏻😍🇵🇭


Congratulations. If you made it to this part of youtube then you are on the right track. No matter what you have been through, you are worth-while and strong. You can do it friends.


I knew Saint Teresa's advice of not making decisions during sad or anger times nor happy times. But I loved HALTS. 👍👍👍


Fruit of prayer.
Chaste since 2001. Only by the grace of God


Wow. Great talk. You two are on fire for God! Your words, attitudes, how you say stuff makes virtue appealing and attainable. Not on our own as you said but through grace.

I could really use some prayers.


Thank you! This represents the exact opposite of what we see day to day. I'm now a divorced woman. How to practice charity when a person may think, why are you holding back. I think it's beautiful to wait rather we are young teens, adults or grown adults. Gives purity to a relationship. Gives that time to build a true foundation. Thanks for this!


Thank you guys so much for your video, and videos on this channel in general. You make them just so authentic and compassionate. You meet people where they are and give relevant thoughts and tips in regard to a situation, in this case Chastity. Especially the thought of my counterpart being my sibling in Christ being reawakened by you, it just helped me so much in the last weeks longing for a partner and thinking about just putting my sexual wants above their wellbeing. Thank you. May God our father bless you, protect your marriage, help this channel grow, and let you be a light for many more to come.


this vid is SOOO GOOD and relatable. a couple months ago i deleted my instagram account and now i feel so much better, have the time i used to say i didint to dedicate to God and prayers. chasity is hard, but it worth it every second. thanks for the vid <3


Until that person is your spouse, they're still your sister/brother in Christ and someone else's spouse. So we're to not only honor them, but their future spouse as well in the event of an unfortunate break up.


I’m so happy I don’t have sexual urges 😂 when I was a kid, I thought something was wrong with me. Now I’m 26 and realizing I fall under the asexual spectrum—and Lord am I happy about that! Married now and having the best sex of my life after waiting for my husband :)
Thank you so much for sharing this and for being so candid. I wish more talks like this happened in the church, they’re so important for young people.

IT IS A HUGE RED FLAG if they don’t want to include you in their family. If they don’t want to date in community. If they act like you’re a secret. Big big red flag.


Hey to all you fellow chaste, single young people! Blessings are in store for us! We'll make it!
