Portland | The Heritage Foundation

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At The Heritage Foundation, freedom is the core principle we champion every single day. For almost 50 years, The Heritage Foundation has been fighting for the promise of America. 
We are your voice in Washington, developing and promoting policies that support these ideals to America’s leaders and lawmakers at every level, the media, and educational and grassroots organizations everywhere.

As the far left threatens to take more control of our lives and livelihoods, Heritage proclaims this truth: Only freedom can produce prosperity and improve everyone’s quality of life. No matter who you are, protecting your freedom is our top priority.

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Call the cops, no, exercise 2nd amendment rights


Hey kids start a new movement called "I choose to get a job"


I’m definitely voting for Donald Trump


i wish i was an American
from Australia
P.S. Go Trump


Portland its a beautiful well run city. Lol your so weak with these lies. That video isn't from Portland hahaha 😂


... about time .... "through a Day late and a Dollar short" ... 😉 ...


The real value is in property. Personal property. AND JESUS! Who is the original inspiration for both Superman and Captain America!


Also everyones response if you do not agree with this message you are a communist really intelligent, I noticed they attacked social workers as well, I am a nurse and they are vital in our hospitals, they are the ones who deal with government republican or democrat and keep coming up with roadblocks. A lot of these commercials remind me of 1930's Germany. Go watch the meetings and pamphlets that were handed out about communist and jews. These commercials seem very scary like Nazi Party because I've watched there other commercials and it seems very like the same pamphlets and gatherings Nazi Germany had. If you do not agree with there beliefs you must be a communist read everybody's responses below. I do not know which is worst a communist or a Nazi.
Oh by the way kept my family home because Prayer Patriots and proud boys whom they support trump comes through our town with flags hanging out in there cars all white people and also had KKK white marker on some of there vehicles, I live here show what actually is happening here and show the facts. By the way I am white not that it matters so I Do not want to here there they go attacking white people again.


why did you have to call out social workers? what's wrong with this add:

Divisive. Disrespectful. Disheartening.

Like the preppy kids in high-school.

I weep for my grandkids.
