Learn how to enter the Alpha level of mind | Step by step process | Jose Silva | The Silva Method

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This video will help you understand how to enter the Alpha state of mind easily. Jose Silva in his book, The Silva Mind Control Method, explains what one needs to do to reach the Alpha, or meditative, level of mind. One of the beauties of meditation at the Alpha level is that you cannot bring your feelings of guilt and anger with you. If these feelings intrude you will simply pop out of the meditative level. As time goes on, they will stay away longer, until one day they are gone for good. This means that those activities of the mind that make our bodies sick will be neutralised. The body is designed to be healthy. It has its own healing mechanisms built in. These mechanisms are blocked by minds not trained to control themselves. Meditation is the first step in Mind Control; by itself it will go a long way toward setting free the body's healing powers and giving it back the energy once squandered on tension. When you are daydreaming, or just going to sleep but not quite there yet, or just awakening but not yet awake, you are in Alpha. Mind Control people call this "inner consciousness." When you are asleep you are in Alpha, Theta, or Delta, not just Alpha alone, as many believe. With Mind Control training you can enter the Alpha level at will and still remain fully alert.
On our channel, Mind and Nature, we focus on self awareness, mental health awareness and the importance of spiritual health. We believe that wellbeing and good health is a stream that is abundant in this Universe. In some of our videos, we employ music therapy, MBSR and other techniques for stress management. With the information we share on meditation, many of us have actualized addiction recovery and freed ourselves from chronic pain. Spirituality for beginners is another key area we focus on.
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I don’t know much about mind control methods but the first thing I do each day is to thank God he woke us up and ask Him to guide us throughout the day. God bless everyone! 😊


This is called Shambhavu Mudra. Where you're essentially meditating and looking at things through your third eye chakra.


"For the reasons not fully understood this position of the eyes will trigger the brain.. " but we do know the reason, we are flexing our third eye or "pineal gland" when we look up at the center of the eyebrows.


Moving Into and Out of an Alpha State
In the Silva Mind Control Method, it is important to learn how to move into and out of an Alpha state. These steps make it easy to do.

Step 1 – Entry

Close your eyes and imagine that you are looking slightly above eye level. (This eye position helps encourage your brain to drop into an Alpha state.)

Take a deep breath. When you exhale, mentally see and say the number ‘3’ three times. Take another deep breath. On the exhale, mentally see and say the number ‘2’ three times. Take another deep breath. When you exhale, mentally see and say the number ‘1’ three times.

Step 2 – Deepening

To become even more relaxed, you count down from 100 to 1, 50 to 1, or 25 to 1.

If you are new to meditation, start with counting backwards from 100 to 1, then move to 50 to 1, and finally 25 to 1. If meditation is already part of your practice, you can work with counting backwards from 25 to 1.

Step 3 – Programming

This is where you can program your mind with positive thoughts and affirmations. Remember, at this level your negative voice will be quiet, so work with empowering thoughts that you want to become part of your belief system.

You can also use this step to program your imagination to help you achieve a specific goal. (More on this a little later.)

Step 4 – Exit

Here is where you give directions to your mind to come out of your meditative state. You tell yourself,

“I am going to count from 1 to 5. At the count of 5, I will be wide awake, fully alert, and feeling better physically, emotionally, and spiritually than before. 1, 2, 3. At the count of 5, I will open my eyes. 4, 5. I am wide awake, feeling fully alert and wonderful in every way.”

Open your eyes.


I got this. I always affirm im a fast learner and have a photogenic mind to photo capture. I do believe this. I got my routine down packed to conquer the world with all my dreams now. Thank you. I understand now after doing research.


Hi! I practiced in this morning and le me tell you my experience. I woke up at 9 A.M., i was at bath and put the alarm at 9.15 A.M. Started at 9.02. I started to countdown and visualise the numbers. After i finished, the alarm ringed. Normally the countdown (100 to 1, with 2 sec pass -> around 3 minutes). I guess i was in deep relaxation and time was relative.

It's my first time. I will do more. Thank you!


Say this mentally before you come out of your Level;
" I will slowly come out as I count from 1 to 5, feeling wide awake and better than before.... 1, 2 - prepare to open your eyes - 3 - open eyes - 4, 5 - eyes open, wide awake, feeling better than before"

Use the Hundred to one method for ten mornings. Then count only from 50 to 1, then 25 to 1, then 10 to 1, and finally 5 to 1, Ten mornings each

From the very first time you got to your alpha level, use only one Methode to come out of it. This will give you a greater degree of controlling against coming out spontaneously.


You are so patient with the questions. Some people are here, never having heard of the method.


I saw the advertisement of the Silva’s Mind Approach. I also heard about this somewhere in Hidden Brain podcast too.


Clear details straight forward .thankyou


I recently read the book and began the morning exercise to enter the Alpha state. I get very bad headaches and often wake up with them so doing this in the morning is sometimes quite difficult and I have to skip a morning here and there. When I finish and use the method Silva teaches for coming out of it, I don't really notice much difference except maybe just very peaceful. I will keep it up.


i tried this and at the end of 10 days i was able to count down by 2's from 100 to 1 very easily. thank you. At first i had a real difficulty because when i got down to two i could not see how to step down to 1 by 2's. I would always end at zero. By the end of the 10th day I learned how to go from 10 to 8 to 6 to 4 to 2 and then like a miracle, to 1 My joy was overwhelming and I felt a rush of enlightenment upon the world of which I shall now conquer!


I am doing this for the last 30 days and it seems that the benefit is coming from the fact that I am more mindful and disciplined to do it daily. Once we are mentally disciplined, we will see physical changes in our world. I count 1500-1200 and visualize the numbers and try not to make mistakes in seeing each number. This should be done 3-5 times a day for best effects.


Give stimulus to your body in such way that it will be going to bed at certain time so you can get enough sleep and rest and wake up pretty early, by its own, without an alarm. Have a watch (analog one, preferably) near by, and keep your mobile phone away and muted during such time, it's crucially essential. Early morning is the ideal time for meditation the earlier the silentest, less to none disturbing factor to interrupt your meditation state.


Very fresh looking, great river scenes..here today we have 29c in last 3 weeks to winter, El Nino has arrived.


So straight forward and clear. Thank you


I've done this every morning. Now, I achieve Ultra Instict.


But give thanks to God the only true time is now so when activate this I am taking over my trials taking my place in this world 😊


I wish it was guided with a voice. Once I close my eyes to look into the eyelid at 20 Degrees, I have to open them back to be able to read what I should do next.


Thanks for sharing. Will try it in the morning
