60 Days Without My Kindle - Reading on iPad Mini

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I went 60 days without my Kindle. While lending out my Kindle, it gave me the chance to think about the ebook reading experience of Kindle versus the iPad Mini that I got last year. I know this is a comparison a lot of book lovers think and wonder about, so here are my thoughts.

0:00 Reading on iPad versus Kindle
0:53 Screen comparison
2:24 Form factor of iPad mini and Kindle Paperwhite
3:07 One-handed reading
4:08 Battery life
5:20 Reading comfort
6:13 Reading options and selection





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Hey friends, if you're reading this, I'd love to get your input on what other questions you have or what you'd like to see another video on? Thank you for the feedback!


I don't know if this makes sense, but when I read on my Kindle, I feel... calm. You know? When I hold my Kindle, my brain shifts into read mode. When I use my iPad, I subconsciously know I can browse and do other stuff. 😅 Great video, by the way!


I have the paperwhite Special Edition and the iPad Mini 6. I use the kindle for books, and the mini for comics.


I created a shortcut on my mini that turns the color filter “greyscale” on or off. By doing that Plus the screen protector and the mini is much easier on the eye and very much closer to the kindle.

Color filters are under the accessibility settings.


I can only read on my kindle. My kindle is so much more comfortable for my eyes and less distracting. I just end up scrolling social media if I try to read on my phone or my tablet.


I used the iPad mini 6 as an ereader but the eye strain got to be too much. Then I bit the bullet and purchased the Kindle PW SE. It’s been a game changer and I don’t miss my iPad mini 6 for reading. It’s good for content consumption but I’m usually glued to my kindle now.


I had two Kindle Paperwhites and a Kobo Libra 2 ... and I went back to reading with a cheap Android tablet with a matte screen protector. I never had issues with eye strain, and a tablet is just SO MUCH quicker and snappier. Plus, I have the book covers in color without paying for a color e-ink. For reading, I pretty much just use ReadEra, put the light level to mid, enable the battery saver and disable Wi-Fi. I can easily read 3-5 five books without having to charge the tablet, maybe even more.

Also, two-column landscape mode is king on an 10-inch screen! :D


It’s all subjective. I love the iPad mini for my daily reading habit. It’s so versatile and it’s so much faster than slow kindle.


Reading on any ipad is great. The warm light, the low contrast letting against a dark background. Wouldn't change it for anything.


Did have a Kindle at one point but never enjoyed it. So much prefer my iPad Mini. I have an excellent app on it and can transfer via wifi any books that I have organised in Calibre. This works perfectly for me.


You can use calibre to fill your Kindle with whatever you want. The main advantage is that you do that by the computer, and then you have it on the Kindle. I get ebooks and articles from all manner of places and put them on my Kindle, and then I have it with me when I want to read it. My Kindle fits in my jacket pocket, so I often have only that (and my phone). I hardly ever read on the iPad mini, since eink is vastly less stressful for the eyes than an LCD.


I got an iPad mini instead of a kindle because it opened up the many ways and platforms I could read. I can also use it for content creation for my bookstagram


i spent 9 years reading on my ipad mini(s) and it was great but ever since i got a kindle i don’t use my ipad for reading anymore, it’s so much gentler on my eyes. also reading outside in the summer was nearly impossible on ipad despite me having the newest mini model bc it wasn’t bright enough and it felt like a frying pan after a few minutes 😂 i’m so glad i don’t have to torture it anymore


My first time on the channel. Thanks for the well-balanced information!


I have a Samsung Galaxy Fold 4 phone, which is almost the size of an iPad Mini, and Kindle Oasis. The Fold is fine for reading for a short time but if I am going read for more than 10 minutes I prefer the Kindle.


Thanks for sharing this! Immersive Translate could make a huge difference in the manga reading experience by preserving the original layout and art.


I have both devices but could NEVER read long form text on my iPad as it would just strain my eyes. All the more power to you. The way the iPad screen works is it has a refresh rate of 60Hz. That means even on a static page that isn't turning it's refreshing that image 60 times per second without you noticing. Over long periods this can cause discomfort.


I have an 11’ iPad Pro and I love reading in it using the kindle app. As a student I carry it with me everywhere and love to play music while I read, highlight and the faster display. My kindle is from 2017 so it’s my exclusive for travel/beach/pool. (And reducing white point in accessibility helps so much when reading at night)


I like watching these kind of videos, but for me is an easy choice, the kindle is more than enough for me who just reads normal books, plus the biggest reason: the price, ipads are REALLY expensive where I live.


If your just wanting to read books - the kindle wins hands down.... The mini is that versatility with grey scale, matte screen protector and changing a few other things to suit the app and acessability, really makes it much more enjoyable for reading it come close to the kindle when doing so, but to have the versatility of a tablet, news, apps, anything else its a good way to consolidate, but if you want to sit down and read for 3-4 hours straight id be going to the kindle
