How To: Determine Proper Concrete Diamond Grinding Tool

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Grinding hard concrete takes more time than soft concrete. There is the alternative of shot-blasting to manage a tough concrete cap, but blasting does little to make the floor more flat. It also creates a more aggressive profile and overlap lines. While shotblasting damage can be mitigated by applying more coating, that often means more time and cost. Once the grinding of a slab is determined to be the best treatment, it’s then a matter of figuring out which tool will be the most productive. This is not an exact science, but having some sense of surface hardness is possible.

The video documents a slab that’s well troweled and undamaged. Before the work begins, a scratch test is done to determine how aggressive the first approach should be. The test provides a result of Mohs #7/8. Being that the Mohs scale only goes to a #9, it’s safe to assume that the floor can handle a two seg 25/30 diamond tool. After a quick test with the machine, the rest of the floor is ground clean and more flat.
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if it measured 5, would you have gone 60's med or med 30's?
