Yu-Gi-Oh! 50 Budget Decks Under $50!

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These are 50 budget Yu-Gi-Oh decks you can affordably build for less than $50... give or take! Remember that we're talking about deck cores, which excludes staple cards!

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#YuGiOh #Deck #Budget #Under50 #Top50
#Inexpensive #Cheap #Suggestions #Ideas #Advice
#Casual #Cards #Affordable #Countdown #TeamAPS
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1. Fur Hire 0:08 - 0:21
2. Shiranui 0:22 - 0:32
3. Salamangreat 0:33 - 0:50
4. Megalith 0:52 - 1:00
5. Zombie World 1:01 - 1:17
6. D/D/D 1:18 - 1:32
7. Prankids 1:33 - 1:49
8. Time Thieves 1:50 - 2:04
9. Marincess 2:05 - 2:19
10. Nekroz 2:20 - 2:31
11: Fire Fist 2:32 - 2:46
12. Karakuri 2:47 - 3:03
13. Lair of Darkness 3:04 - 3:17
14. Dream Mirror 3:18 - 3:29
15. Orcust 3:30 - 3:46
16. Darklord 3:47 - 3:01
17. Gravekeepers 4:02 - 4:14
18. Fluffals 4:15 - 4:31
19. Dragunity 4:32 - 4:45
20. Magical Musketeers 4:46 - 5:03
21. Six Samurai 5:04 - 5:17
22. Simorgh 5:18 - 5:32
23. Vampire 5:33 - 5:51
24. Shaddoll 5:52 - 6:08
25. Synchron 6:09 - 6:25
26. Odd-Eyes 6:26 - 6:52
27. Noble Knights 6:53 - 7:12
28. Gouki 7:13 - 7:22
29. Dinosaurs 7:23 - 7:37
30. Crusadia 7:38 - 7:54
31. Dinowrestlers 7:55 - 8:06
32. Thunder Dragons 8:07 - 8:19
33. Trickstars 8:20 - 8:34
34. Gladiator Beasts 8:35 - 8:43
35. Lunalights 8:44 - 9:07
36. Mekk-Knights 9:08 - 9:23
37. Traptrix 9:24 - 9:35
38. Aromage 9:36 - 9:58
39. Subterrors 9:59 - 10:13
40. Rokkets 10:14 - 10:25
41. Harpie Ladies 10:26 - 10:34
42. Burning Abyss 10:35 - 10:49
43. Tenyi 10:50 - 11:01
44. Paleozoic 11:02 - 11:16
45. Cyber Dragons 11:17 - 11:25
46 - 48. Pendulum? 11:26 - 11:47
49. Altergeist 11:48 - 11:55
50. Gem Knights 11:56 - 12:16


The fact that you did explanations to. And that you did so many. Thank you.


Honestly... I like the name 50 under 50 a little too much. We're working in a hot new script be prepared!!!


This video has been fantastic for me getting back into yugioh after about 10 years, currently im playing around with my favorites of these online and figuring out which ones I want to buy. Thanks so much guys.
BTW this channel is the sole reason I decided to get back into the game, love your work and the variety of content you guys come up with!
Keep up the great work all of you


One of my personal favorites, and another one that's quite affordable is the Satellarknights. They're very simple to play, as they all gain effects on summon, regardless of the method. The thing I like about them is the fact that the deck actually makes continuous trap cards such as Fiendish Chain, Call of the Haunted and Oasis of Dragon Souls (among others) viable options, as Stellarknight Triverr bounces everything else on the field back to the hand, making the aforementioned continuous traps live again.

On top of that, since they're all Level 4 Light Warrior monsters, you've got access to all sorts of Rank 4 Xyz monsters with my personal preference being the Utopia/Prime/Lightning package. The monsters can be supported by cards like Honest, and you can also use Ties of the Brethren to set yourself up for next turn.



1. Worse Yosenju but messed up PSCT for memez (Fur Hire) 2. The only Zombies that want to be banished (Shiranui)
3. Salad with Spicy Dressing (Salamangreats) 4. Dwayne "the Ritual Deck" Johnson (Megaliths)
5. The other Zombie Deck "Zombie World" 6. You need a literal spreadsheet to play a simple combo (D/D/D)
7. This won a YCS. Not a prank at all. (Prankids) 8. Za Warudo without JoJo nor Touhou references (Time Thief)
9. We lose if you kill our field spell (Marincess) 10. This used to cost your first born child to play (Nekroz)
11. not as good as it used to be (Fire Fist) 12. Battle Position = More cards (Karakuri)
13. The bringer of the CoronaVirus before it was cool (Lair of Darkness.dek)
14. Activate Field Barrier. *scoops* (Dream Mirrors) 15. This used to be put in everything (Orcust)
16. Ixchel is Bae (Darklords) 17. *Cries in Elementsabers* (Gravekeepers)
18. I still sleep with my stuffed animals (Fluffals) 19. Apparently Dragon Ravine has a second effect (Dragunities)
20. This was overhyped (Magical Musketeers) 21. OMG BEST DECK EVER NO JOKE EVER BEST (Six Samurai)
22. Literally just Wind Monarchs (Simorgh) 23. S U C C (Vampires)
24. Winda Pass (Shaddolls) 25. Shoutout to GalacticGod (Synchrons)
26. You should see a doctor. (Odd Eyes) 27. Defend the castle. dek (Noble Knights)
28. We Got Firewall banned (Gouki)
29. Rawr. I got no better joke for this (Dinosaurs)
30. Crusadia 31. Look at number 29 (Dinowrestlers)
32. This was a mistake. (Thunder Dragons) 33. Because Love Live wasn't cancerous enough (Trickstar)
34. Special Fusion monsters For Free. (Gladiator Beasts)
35. This is fusion deck apparently (Lunalights) 36. Only deck that makes you care about placement (Mekk Knights)
37. This is a trap in itself (Traptrix) 38. Gardening is Life (Aromage)
39. so we have MORE than just Fiendess and Guru? (Subterrors)
40. Rocket Man - Elton John (Rokkets) 41. The most Cenosored archtype in the game (Harpies)
42. BA? More like BS! (Burning Abyss) 43. Meh. (Tenyi)
44. Makes the lamest pun in the game (Paleozoic) 45. Anti Link and Anti Machine Fusions included. (Cyber Dragon)
46 - 48. I bet Trif bribed you to put deck in this video (Mythical Beast, Pend magicians, Endymion)
49. More like ALTERGAY amirite? (Altergeist) 50. Just ban Lapis Lazuli ez. (Gem Knights)


As someone who recently just got back into Yu-Gi-Oh and also got into duel links my first deck was six samurai. I instantly wanted to build a deck around them as I'm a sucker for anything ninja or samurai. while i still didn't know about the set yet, I've been getting more cards over time and now I've tweaked it enough to use it consistently with a good success rate from experience. Although duel links seemingly lacks specific cards from the set which may make it hard to play with full potential but playing six samurai Taught me so much about the new evolution's of Yu-Gi-Oh that changed the game while i was out of the hobby. Overall I'd recommend this deck to anyone who's new or in intermediate stages of the game, great stuff!


it’d be cool if you put all the monsters you’re talking about on the screen, but I love these videos. Trying to find a fun deck to play ❤️❤️


Only disagreements I really have are mekk-knight and fire fist. Those cores are actually alot higher than 50 if your playing the best possible version.


I swear if there is no Volcanics on the list....


Day 387 of waiting for New Volcanic Support to arrive


don't forget about cubics! the are one of the cheapest deck that can occasionally beat any deck!

Also, is mekk-knight really under 50$? i feel like it's more expensive than that


* sees title in notification *



You can easily turn the tables with the HERO structure using Clocktower Prison to stall without stalling with it’s effect. You can also summon a stable starting board with fusion destiny by targeting a malicious and dynatag to summon dystopia then banish malicious and use the second malicious to summon Cross Crusader to revive dystopia and then you can STILL use your normal summon with a card like drilldark to special AGAIN and summon the Xtra hero poster monster and then you get it powered up because of the monsters in grave


I'll list 3:

Cubics: Fun OTK deck based on summoning one monster (Crimson Nova) and arming it with Cubic Wave or Cubic Karma, but has a lot of ways to negate monster effects with things like Cubic Mandala or Vijam. It can easily OTK if Nova is protected from backrow, but it also can brick if you draw the monsters that can't be Normal Summoned/Set. The deck is relatively cheap since the whole thing is found in the recent Movie Pack, but Duel Overload gives Cubics more inexpensive support with Cubic Dharma or Cubic Ascension.

Dustons: Really trolly OTK deck based on swinging House Duston into an Attack Position monster and then filling the board with Dustons, to open up other plays with things like Goblin King or Starduston, especially Goblin King, which can get to 8000 ATK/DEF easily with House Duston's summoning method. This deck is extremely vulnerable to Link plays, but with Master Rule 5 coming up, it's a wee bit buffed. It also may get bricky if you just draw into any of the Dustons not named House Duston, since that is the main engine of the entire deck.

Counter Fairy/Parshath: Trap Card heavy deck that focuses on negating basically anything via Counter Trap, and then using the Fairy's various abilities to your advantage, such as adding Spells/Traps to your hand or Special Summoning Sacred Arch-Airknight Parshath. It's a bit of a slow deck reliant on your opponent activating effects, but it can be effective if the Counter Traps are played at the right time.


Great video! I've recently built both time thieves and aromages, so it's nice to see you guys believe in their viability on a budget. Keep up the good work!


Dinomists are also quite budget, most of them are in the 50 cent to dollar range, adds up to qaround 40 for the engine and to around 60 if you want handtraps and access to infinity


Love the quick explains and breakdowns perfect vid my dudes maybe effects lol


This gives me hope, my yang zings, sylvans, and ritual beast may not be in the 50 range, but some of my cheap favorites. Noble knights are part of my collection as well


Love this! I run a competitive cyber dragon/machine deck, and needed a budget option for more casual play.


World Chalice is one of the only decks I can think of for under $50 that has a 1-card "Break My Board" combo that ends with a live co-linked Tri-Gate Wizard, an Archlord Kristya, and a set omni-negate counter trap (World Legacy's Sorrow), along with game damage on board (11, 300). All of that, just from Venus. It has a huge drawback though, as it is a super-glass cannon deck. Veiler/Imperm on Venus severely diminishes your end board, and if you have no extenders, can straight up just end your turn. This is par for the course with combo decks like this, though, and if you enjoy combo decks and want to play a deck that has the same kind of crazy combo plays as some of the big boys of the format, World Chalice is definitely a deck I recommend. Nothing in the main deck is expensive, and the most expensive extra deck card is Union Carrier (and yes you need it because it is part of the 1-card combo). Definitely a deck that you'll have an absolute blast with if you enjoy combo decks =)
