Lugansky . Capuçon - Rachmaninoff, Sonata for Cello and Piano

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Sergey Rachmaninov (1873-1943)
Sonata for cello & piano in G minor, Op. 19 (1901)
Nikolai Lugansky, piano
Gautier Capuçon, cello
September 2020, Moscow Philharmonic Society

[0:00] Intro (Lento)
[1:17] Exp. - Theme 1 (Allegro moderato)
[2:27] Exp. - Theme 2 (Moderato)
[4:00] Exp. - Repeat (Allegro moderato - Moderato)
[6:46] Dev. (Tempo I - Allegro molto)
[10:05] Recap. - Theme 2 (Moderato)
[11:44] Recap. - Theme 1 (Tempo I)

[12:57] A (12/8, Allegro Scherzando - un poco meno mosso - Tempo I)
[14:59] B (4/4, major)
[16:51] A’ (12/8)

[19:33] A (Andante)
[21:05] B
[22:56] A’
[24:40] Coda

[25:48] Exp. - Theme 1 (Allegro mosso)
[26:46] Exp. - Theme 2 (Moderato - Più vivo)
[28:26] Dev. (Tempo I - Meno mosso - Tempo I - Meno mosso)
[31:41] Recap. - Theme 1 (Tempo I)
[32:35] Recap. - Theme 2 (Moderato - Più vivo)
[34:26] Coda (Meno mosso)
[35:22] Coda (Vivace)

“[…] Written in 1901, the year after the perennially beloved Second Piano Concerto, the Cello Sonata reflects, perhaps, the state of Rachmaninov’s heart and mind. Having suffered a nervous breakdown after the catastrophic failure of his First Symphony in 1897, Rachmaninov had fought his way back to mental and creative health. Surely it is not fanciful to hear an echo of this in the struggles of the first movement, with its conflict between semitones and whole tones; in the dark night of the Scherzo; and then in the blazing joy of the Finale? No bearded Russian priest with his Easter cry ‘Christ is Risen’ can ever have sounded more triumphant than the cello does as it announces the glorious second theme of this movement. The whole sonata, imbued as it is with the classical discipline that is so vital a feature of all Rachmaninov’s music, encompasses a vast range of romantic emotion—a journey of the soul.”

- Steven Isserlis, 2003
Рекомендации по теме

In my humble opinion... one of the greatest cello sonatas of all time: an exquisite masterpiece full of drama, passion and lyricism! What perfect artistry and melancholic beauty permeates on this musical journey! And the interpretation is flawless... with an instrumental dialog so outstanding, and so impeccable! Awesomeness exudes from heart and mind with the conception of this performance! These two gentlemen are marvelous musicians... with a magnificent gift that touches the soul profoundly! This kind of experience is glorious romanticism! Brilliant!


I think the genius of Rachmaninoff's sonata is that he did not fall into the trap of the "cellist as feature" that so many other cello and piano sonatas fall into. His expert knowledge of how to write wondrous, if quite difficult, piano concerti and piano works generally allows for the cello to fully come into its own, as it is supported so fully and magnificently by the complexity of the piano part. In this way, this Sonata seems to bridge the gap between chamber and orchestral music, transcending the sonata and approaching the concerto. My goodness, what would it have been if Rachmaninoff composed a cello concerto? I hope someday, I can grasp the genius of Rachmaninoff's sense for counterpoint, harmony and theme, thus far, much of its sensitivity and nuance evade me.


I wish I had listened to Capuson performance when I was young 30 or 40 years ago. He would have inspired me
overwhelmingly. Lugansky is always my favorite pianist. They makes me more lonely or less lonely.
Rachmaninov, I believe, will remain the greatest modern composer.


Of course it goes without saying that Rach's achievement with this piece is next level genius. Capucon is wonderful, techinical brilliant and artistically masterful, but imho, Lugansky's playing shines through with his impeccable technique and how he plays with depth and understanding beyond most out there. What't not to love about these two handsome men making the best sounds on the planet at that moment in time. Wow guys!


Once again, the artistic genius of Rachmaninoff is on full display. The performance by Capucon and Lugansky is superb. The Andante is sheer beauty, in my humble opinion.


The word "yearning" is the perfect word to describe Rach's music.
I think in his life he had so much disappointment that he was always "yearning" for something better.
It is so sad because I think Rach achieved so much in his life, but I don't think he was mentally able to realize all he had achieved.
I just hope that he has now come to the realization of all he achieved in his life.


This performance by Nicholas Lugansky and Gautier Capucon is absolutely gorgeous totally capturing the spirit and intent of Rachmaninoff. I found their collaboration one of the best and most breathtaking I've ever experienced. Bravos to both and great thanks for sharing this magnificent post!


Wonderful legato cello playing in the 3rd movement - such a strong passionate line - LOVE IT!


Late 19th century Russian version of "Fiendishly difficult piano concerto with cello basso continuo." Absolutely marvellous performance by both. Thank you for uploading!


Nikolai Lugansky is one of the most prominent pianists of the present time. Another gift of the unparalleled Russian school.


One of the most beautiful interpretations of Sergey Rachmaninov's Sonata for cello & piano. Thank you Nikolai Lugansky and Gautier Capuçon!


This is once again an astounding piece of music as is the case with most of Rachmaninoff; the way these two guys play it so well, they are both brilliant. Each movement is so well written and, in this case, played with wonderful legato lines from the cellist, Capucon and such great musical architecture from Nikolai. I have listened to this several times and I am in awe ... Bravi virtuosi!!!


Omigod. Until now I thougth no one could touch Lynn Harrell and Yuja Wang playing this. This is just a sublime performance of a sublime piece.


All said and done Rachmaninoff will always remain the Composer who dwells in my heart! That was the greatness of this genius!


The 2nd movement was epic. Excellent performance!


I first heard this many years ago with Msistlav Rostropovich playing as soloist. I loved it then and there used to be hardly any recordings available. This is a marvellous interpretation and the Andante is one of my favourite pieces of Rachaminov


The best performance of Capuçon that I have listened to so far. On the hand, Lugansky is untouchable, as usual.


I was waiting for this ♥️ Amazing performance 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


We all love all of Rachmaninoff's works, right? There is a phrase in this piece that speaks directly to his genius and his willingness to break creative boundaries. At 22:40 he uses the same note, played over and over by the cellist at the bottom of the anti-climax. Pure genius. Capuçon and Lugansky get it just right too. Perfect music to design to.


Ces deux là étaient vraiment faits pour nous apporter la perfection de cette oeuvre, l'une des dernières du grand romantisme, et ils se sont vraiment bien trouvés ! Et voir leur bonheur de jouer ensemble nous remplit de la plus grande émotion !
