20 Weeks Pregnant: What You Need To Know - Channel Mum

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Taking part in this video is:
Lauren Hampshire
SJ Ljungstrom

This video and all videos in this series have been viewed and approved by a qualified midwife in April 2017. Always consult your midwife or GP if you have any concerns.

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We've had 8 baby losses and are now 20 weeks today with our little miracle baby girl 🖤🌈 this video makes me so happy! I haven't felt any movement yet but so excited for when I do 😭😭😭


20 weeks today!! Found out that we’re having a baby girl!! Feel her kicking everyday!! 💕💕


20 weeks today with my precious baby boy😍😍😍 I also feel movement every day. Feels like I live in the bathroom😩peeing much. Anyone else feeling like this too??? Peeing every 10 mins lol


I’m 20w3d. Just had my scan today and We found out our rainbow baby is a little boy! We wanted a boy so bad. Super exciting !!💙


Thankyou for showing a plus size mom bump. With all the 'average' sized women you feature, I was beginning to feel left out as a plus size expecting momma.


My fiance is 20 and I'm 19 were both autistic but we're having a girl and it's our 1st baby


20 weeks tomorrow, first baby and I’m still not convinced she’s ok in there. I THINK I’ve felt her, but I’m really not sure. Having a real anxious time atm. Got my scan next week so 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


Iv turned 20 weeks today and it may sound silly but it’s finally sunk in that I’m having a baby, feeling her kicking and moving is just the most surreal feeling ever but I wouldn’t change it for the world, I did find out that I have gestational diabetes but all my family members had it through every pregnancy so I know what to expect, I really can’t wait for December to come so I can finally meet her and see what she looks like 💕


Wow! I hit a milestone today 20weeks pregnant! 😩🥺🤰🏽🙏🏽 congrats to all the beautiful moms and expecting moms out there ! Feeling the baby move is such an amazing feeling 😩🧡 I find out the sex of the baby this weekend 😍❤️ so excited !


20 weeks pregnant today! My first baby and i feel her move everyday and its just the cutest thing ever😭 she would not stop moving during the ultrasound and I saw her sucking her thumb I WAS CRYING😭💖💖


This is my first baby and I just hit 20 weeks today I’m so excited and can’t wait to meet my baby boy . He’s bee moving since 14 weeks . I love him so much


I’m 20 weeks pregnant with my rainbow miracle baby boy!!! And felt quite a lot of movements with him I’m very lucky!!! 💙💙💙🤰🤰🤰


20 weeks pregnant and not popped yet. People are still surprised when I say I’m pregnant. Lol then they start asking about morning sickness and I’m like oh I’m past that thankfully. I’m 20 weeks pregnant and they are like wait what? First timer belly. I feel like I’m going to wake up and it will just suddenly be there.


I'm 20 weeks pregnant now😍 first time mom, its kinda hard but I am enjoying every experience. This is a blessing❤ hope everyone is doing great and stay safe.


I'm 20 weeks today with my little Christmas baby :) ... I do feel the baby and it's getting stronger


20 weeks with second baby! I watched all these with my first baby and it’s so nice doing it again ❤️ having another boy ( we found out at 16 weeks ) I was very impatient! Xx


20 weeks with my little girl and my nausea came back last week and the insomnia is real!!!


Hi. I am 20 weeks pregnant today and I just feel tired and hungry all the time. I can't sleep at night coz my leg itch, my feet are burning and itching. The cramps I get from all the gas is so bad sometimes. The baby moves only sometimes. Gets really excited when I'm in a car or people come to visit. But is not as much when I'm alone.


Am 20weeks 6days today. I always feel my little one moves everyday. Praying for all pregnant 🤰 women.


20 weeks and having my first baby and found out its a baby boy 💙💙 not felt movement but hopefully soon. Everyone take care x
