Complete Inventory Management System with .NET 8 Blazor - CRUD, Export to PDF, EXCEL, Print, etc...
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Development of Inventory Management system using .NET 8 Blazor Web App with Interactive Server Render Mode.
overview of this system :
1. .NET 8 Clean Architecture
1. Custom Cookie authentication with Identity Manager
2. Policy Based Authorization which comprises of Role and Claims.
3. SignalR for real time update.
4. CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) to perform CRUD on entities.
/*Complete source code*/
/*Project Series in Order*/
/*Follow Netcode-Hub*/
# Timestamps
00:00 Introduction
00.:36 Overview
35:35 Setting up project with clean architecture
40:19 Installing Nugget packages.
44:33 Creating domain / entities
44:51 Creating Interface/repo for cookie authentication
1:04:35 Applying migration
1:19:10 Creating auth components, authStateprovider etc..
1:40:20 Adding activity tracker feature
1:50:00 Creating entities for product, category, location & order
1:53:53 Creating DTOs
2:02:20 Creating CQRS for all entities
2:30:42 Creating Web UI - product, location, category and order features.