Prusa MK2.5 UPGRADE kit - Worth the price & effort?

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How much MK3 is in the Original Prusa i3 MK2.5? I upgraded my MK2s and will tell you if it's worth your money and time.

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Did you know that I record a bi-weekly PodCast with Thomas Sanladerer?


100% informative, 0% funny, just straight forward. That's what I call a good video fellow German :D


I upgraded my prusa MK1 to MK2.
Then to MK2S and six months ago to MK2.5.

It is incredible. <3
But sometimes I have trouble with the bed leveling. :/


For anyone having an issue with the PET sticking. I found for the first layer 250c nozzle and 70c bed temp with gluestick worked perfectly. After that, the regular temps (within Slicer PE) will work.


Haven’t watched the video yet but I have had my 2.5 upgrade for many months now and definitely don’t regret it. Super great price with the generous voucher and brings all the big features


This is a great upgrade. I converted direct from MK2 to MK2.5. MK2 was a kit so doing the upgrade was fairly simple.


I just completed the same upgrade a week ago. My upgrade kit came with the powdercoated sheet and it’s great. So far I’ve printed PLA, ABS and PETG. All materials sticked nicely to the powdercoated surface and almost popped off by itself after cooling down. It’s definately worth the money


Upgraded two MK2S to MK2.5 and received two powder coated textured PEI sheets since the upgrade after a delay. The powder coated spring-steel PEI sheets alone made the upgrade worth the expense for me. I just love the texture. That said I do own and like very much my Ender 2 and Ender 3 as well and I can see how others may hesitate when for roughly the same money they can get a whole printer almost doubling their output for a select few filaments. But yeah - great upgrade of an already great printer. Thanks for sharing. Cheers! JM


After Upgrading my MK2S to a MK2.5 I had some problems - especially regarding overhangs.
But now I found the BEAR Mod Project. I upgraded my MK2.5 to a BEAR including the new X-axis and new extruder. And now it prints really great with the profiles by Chris Warkocki.
Only test missing are overhangs because I now print the Upgrade for my other Prusa ^^


This video comes at a good time, I was asking myself if I should upgrade my MK2. You answered all my questions, Stefan, thanks for that!


Thank you for the information, this really helped, I’m going ahead to upgrade to the Mk2.5. Love my Prusa.


I have an MK3, and use mostly PLA. I think that the removable bed and filament sensor are well worth the money. I remember on my old printer, I would print something, only to have it delaminate during removal from the bed. With the removable bed, this never happens. And with the filament sensor, changing colors, or even materials, is so easy. Just choose Auto Unload, pull it out as soon as it beeps, cut the end of the new filament on an angle, and insert it until it is pulled away from you. The system even asks you if the color change is complete, and feeds more filament if it's not.


I made the upgrade as well. Although I got it for around 99€, since I purchased my MK2S only shortly before MK3 release, already the magnetic bed alone is such a joy to use that this alone would justify the upgrade for me. The improved cooling of the hotend (not printed part) is imho the second best reason. Never had a clogged nozzle with PLA since then.


Thanks for posting this Stefan! I've got my upgrade kit and just need a free day or two to do the upgrade.

I too thought about putting the money towards another printer but decided to get the 2.5 upgrade because I just don't have the time and space to run and maintain 2 printers. My Mk2 has served me well with great performance and i'm looking forward to the quality of life improvements.


Just a tip. Bend the bed outward then inwards, you don’t have to bend nearly as far and the part pops itself off.
Not sure if you knew this but just judging from what you did in the video.


Already have my upgrade since about half a year. And I'm pleased. Only on thing that made mah headaches was the not even surface of the bad. Without tinkering there is a dent of about 1 mm on the right side. But as always: thanks for sharing!


Got a chinese mk52 clone for my original Mk2 for around 70 USD on AliExpress ~ After flashing the mk2.5 firmware, I had to modify the heatbed with double side tape and circle cut out aluminum foil for xyz calibration since the chinese manufacturer didn't include it on the pcb board. Nevertheless, it's been running fine ever since. The spring steel is slightly warped, but it has improved my quality of life in removing prints off the heatbed. Im actually quite impressed the 2.5 firmware works even without upgrading the noctua fan, filament sensor, or the pinda probe ♥️


I upgraded my mk2s to the mk2.5. Worth every penny. The filament sensor, and the bed have paid for themselves in convenience alone.


Great video, specially for someone (like me) that was thinking about this upgrade 😅 thank you! 👍


Great video. I have purchased a few upgrade kits for other printers throughout my years of printing. Most of them were worth while upgrades, but you make a good point that the price of decent entry level printers have dropped so much recently that it may not be worth it anymore. That's an interesting thought.
