What Happens When You Destroy Nintendo Games Beyond Recognition?

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Let's see what happens when we abuse horrible glitches to completely break Nintendo games.

1080p 60fps Gameplay recorded and edited by Nintendo Unity. Consider to like, share and subscribe to support the channel.

It's All Mine - Wario Land: Shake It!

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
Super Mario World
Kirby's Adventure
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Pokémon Red & Blue
Donkey Kong 64
WarioWare: Touched
Paper Mario
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Luigi's Mansion
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I like how shaved Wario counts as game-breaking.


Love how it's implied that even Earthbound itself was confused about what just happened.


Many games are so broken, the endless opportunities we’re given to break them even further is amazing


4:20 This a DK64 debug/testing room that got set as the default room to be sent to when it has no idea where you're supposed to be


I like how, despite all these game-breaking glitches, the most cursed thing in this video is Wario with no mustache.


Honestly, one of the reasons I love retro games is that they are spectacular when they break down.
Not only is the result usually a half playable, yet interestingly corrupted mess, there is still some sort of logical explanation and you can basically decode what went wrong on even a bit level.


In super Mario world, there's also a glitch where you can overlap 2 Yoshis, have one Yoshi eat a koopa shell, lend on a moving platform, and spit it out to cause the game to have many forms of glitches.


The end of that Luigi's Mansion glitch is really tight. Too far right and you'll fall out of bounds, too far left and you'll trigger the king boo cutscene, causing you to get sent back to start.


2:17 kirby is so loud that it shreds the fabric of reality


1:05 When Mario grabs a coin from Yoshi's tongue, the game loads the next available sprite from memory to take its place. If it is a Chargin Chuck, Yoshi will eat it. Since Chargin Chucks are technically considered powerups, the game runs the code that should put the powerup in the reserve box but there is no code, so it interprets an arbitrary location in memory as code which usually crashes the game, but sometimes gives you unobtainable reserve box items. Yoshi eating a Chargin Chuck can cause the game to run the x positions of objects on screen as code, so if you set it up a certain way, you can go straight to the credits, or even run a game within the game.


Sakurai: No, this isn't how you're supposed to play the game!


1:53 I discovered that one by complete accident in the official emulator on switch. Its about grabbing the thing that spawns when the boss dies before the game registers that you are without your ability. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with crash, as Mike hits throughout the animation, crash does the animation and then hits the enemies on screen at the same time it takes away the ability


I actually played Kirby’s Adventure on NES so much, I found that glitch when I was younger and abused the crap out of it cuz it made the game glitch out.


As the discoverer of the Castle Crush glitch in DKC2, it is worth putting up a disclaimer that the glitch can erase your saved data if done on the original SNES cartridge, as I can attest. Some others have reported even worse side effects if you can imagine that.


7:00 Wario's going to tell you to stop breaking the pause button


To this day, I have no fear with any horror movies.

Except computer glitches and creepypastas, it gives me way too much fear, the fact that it's so random but shows garbage data but one or at least few sprite or data will remain intact and shows a single NPC in the middle of the garbage data or a garbage data that will somehow form into what represents outcome after Death like MissingNo sprites.

Also BSOD in the middle of the night.


Here are a few things I thought I'd point out.
1:11 using this exact setup, if you pan the camera to the right to load in the charging chuck, then back to the left, and then perform the glitch with the coin, you can get a glitch item that allows you to finish any stage the moment you touch it. It's only one use though, so you'd have to keep getting them if you want infinite. Also, don't use the item in the switch palaces. It will not count as hitting the switch and you'll be locked out of having certain color blocks for the rest of the game (unless you have savestates or rewind like SNES Online or any other emulator)
5:41 it is important to note that after jumping off the platform to save and quit, once you reload the file you *can not* get hit until encountering this soldier. Taking damage before this point results in you losing the glitched state. You also want the soldier to hit you somewhere along that specific walkway if you want to enter the walls.
11:20 I just found this part humorous. The bulblin just casually walks away after seeing Midna grab Link and drag him through the portal


Anyone: if Jesus can walk on water does it mean he can swim on earth ?
Paper mario: Y E S


5:53 huh so this is what people mean by i am living in your walls


"...allows Kirby to use Mike over 250 times."

I like that it's an oddly specific number. Like yeah, doing this glitch let's you use this move *this* many times.
