We Praise You and Acknowledge You (LSB 941)

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Title: We Praise You and Acknowledge You
Author: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955
Scripture: Revelation 7:9-17, Philippians 2:5-11, Psalm 89:26

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I love hearing a bold, lone Lutheran get caught up and shout at the end!


Oh, for the day we can gather like this again.


1 We praise You and acknowledge You, O God, to be the Lord,
The Father everlasting, by all the earth adored.
To You all angel powers cry aloud, the heavens sing,
The cherubim and seraphim their praises to You bring:
“O holy, holy, holy Lord God of Sabaoth;
Your majesty and glory fill the heavens and the earth!”

2 The band of the apostles in glory sing Your praise;
The fellowship of prophets their deathless voices raise.
The martyrs of Your kingdom, a great and noble throng,
Sing with the holy Church throughout all the world this song:
“O all-majestic Father, Your true and only Son,
And Holy Spirit, Comforter—forever Three in One!”

3 You, Christ, are King of glory, the everlasting Son,
Yet You, with boundless love, sought to rescue ev’ryone:
You laid aside Your glory, were born of virgin’s womb,
Were crucified for us and were placed into a tomb;
Then by Your resurrection You won for us reprieve—
You opened heaven’s kingdom to all who would believe.

4 You sit in splendid glory, enthroned at God’s right hand,
Upholding earth and heaven by forces You command.
We know that You will come as our Judge that final day,
So help Your servants You have redeemed by blood, we pray;
May we with saints be numbered where praises never end,
In glory everlasting. Amen, O Lord, amen!


Hearing this I can't help but think of heaven and the songs we will sing forever in the presence of the Triune


I'm proud to be a faith of kings, chancellors, and warriors.


I am new to Lutheranism, but not to hymns...this is majestic!


We praise You and acknowledge You, o God, to be the Lord, the Father everlasting, by all the earth adored. To You all angel powers cry aloud, the heavens sing, the cherubim and seraphim their praises to You bring: "O holy, holy, holy Lord God of Sabaoth; Your majesty and glory fill the heavens and the earth!"

The band of the apostles in glory sing Your praise; the fellowship of prophets their deathless voices raise. The martyrs of Your kingdom, a great and noble throng, sing with the holy Church throughout all the world this song: "O all majestic Father, Your true and only Son, and Holy Spirit, Comforter -- forever Three in One!"

You, Christ, are King of glory, the everlasting Son, yet You, with boundless love, sought to rescue everyone: You laid aside Your glory, were born of virgin's womb, were crucified for us and were placed into a tomb; then by Your resurrection You won for us reprieve -- You opened heaven's kingdom to all who would believe.

You sit in splendid glory, enthroned at God's right hand, upholding earth and heaven by forces You command. We know that You will come as our Judge that final day, so help Your servants You have redeemed by blood we pray; may we with saints be numbered where praises never end, in glory everlasting. Amen, o Lord, amen!


Every time i hear this ive been to three higher things i almost cry and get goosebumps


I hear this and miss church, I hope that this virus is beaten soon.


Singing along is a must with this great Hymn!
We praise You and acknowledge You, o God, to be the Lord, the Father everlasting, by all the earth adored. To You all angel powers cry aloud, the heavens sing, the cherubim and seraphim their praises to You bring: "O holy, holy, holy Lord God of Sabaoth; Your majesty and glory fill the heavens and the earth!"

The band of the apostles in glory sing Your praise; the fellowship of prophets their deathless voices raise. The martyrs of Your kingdom, a great and noble throng, sing with the holy Church throughout all the world this song: "O all majestic Father, Your true and only Son, and Holy Spirit, Comforter -- forever Three in One!"

You, Christ, are King of glory, the everlasting Son, yet You, with boundless love, sought to rescue everyone: You laid aside Your glory, were born of virgin's womb, were crucified for us and were placed into a tomb; then by Your resurrection You won for us reprieve -- You opened heaven's kingdom to all who would believe.

You sit in splendid glory, enthroned at God's right hand, upholding earth and heaven by forces You command. We know that You will come as our Judge that final day, so help Your servants You have redeemed by blood we pray; may we with saints be numbered where praises never end, in glory everlasting. Amen, o Lord, amen!


As a pastor, I am touched beyond compare. What an awesome call to worship! What an awesome biblical canticle!


I had no idea that this song was a hymn. I had only ever heard it in instrumental form.


Favorite hymn...coming from a 15 year old. There needs to be more hymns like this. Many are often too dull.


A friend of mine in college, who is now in seminary (Catholic), was the music director for a year. He went mental trying to do his best at arranging the most beautiful choirs and orchestras he could in the local church. The organ is terrible, needs to be replaced desperately, and the choir loft is tiny (it got shrunk in the 50s...) I can fully appreciate how much blood, sweat, and tears went into this from the young gentlemen playing this organ furiously in this epic video. THANK YOU! Absolutely stunning performance by all. I wish every church around the world could experience this epicness every week...


May i sing your praises of glory in your house forever oh lord! PRAISE THE HOLY TRINITY!


Attended a wedding this past weekend where this hymn was sung by the congregation. The bride and groom both had just graduated from Concordia College in Seward this year. Beautiful touch to a Christ centered ceremony.


This is my favorite “new” hymn. I’ve played Holtz’s Jupiter several times in orchestra, and recognized the tune immediately, one of my favorite classical pieces. The true and uplifting words, together with the familiar melody, bring to mind the Holy Saints in Heaven singing forever to our God. To Him belongs the glory and praise!


When I see five dislikes I am all the more reminded that sin corrupts. Beautifully done. Can you imagine how such music will resound in heaven? I feel I am getting a glimpse through what I am hearing.


Chills. Hearing that many people singing praises to the Lord just warms my heart and soul. 🙏


I'm just gonna put this out there... This hymn is one of the greatest hymns written in the 20th century! Such amazing imagery in the lyrics!
