Rings of Power Season 2 – NEWS & NEW CHARACTERS

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We have some news for Amazon's The Rings of Power season 2!


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"Arondir, Isildur, and Estrid will share scenes together" wow. I have never been more excited for anything in my life. I simply cannot contain myself. Truly the trio of all time.


Rings of powers season 1 was on the way to be forgotten. Aside of mockery it had no cultural impact. I am curious how many viewers will be watching season 2.


At this point I wish they would only include original characters because I'm sick of them butchering Tolkien's characters.


The actor who played Adar was one of the few things I actually liked in the first season, him leaving the sinking ship that is this show only makes me respect him more. Keep being sassy, I love it! 🤩


Do you know why LOTR floats and ROP does not?


Can't wait for your RoP season 2 videos talking about the story, because I ain't gonna watch that shitshow myself lol

Also props to Adar's actor for quitting, he's a decent individual and deserves better roles in the future.


I'm very much looking forward to season 2. Getting it ripped to shreds and destroyed leaves me with an I told you so feeing of superiority. Or something like that.


I didn't watch seson 1, nor will I watch season 2; but I will point and laugh at the costumes!😄


I've read that only 37% of the viewers who started watching season one of TRoP watched the entire season, and it only had eight episodes. It makes me wonder how many people will want to watch the second season.

I know someone who watched a few episodes because they created a drinking game for it. Knock back a shot every time Galadriel becomes insufferably angry or just smirks. That's a pretty limited appeal to watch this hot mess of a show.


I know it's just a single out-of-context screenshot, but: why is Isildur-- heir of the blood of Númenor, King of the Dúnedain, warrior of the Battle of the Last Alliance which saw the first defeat of Sauron, and founder of the Kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor-- why is he in goddamn RAGS?!?!

These modern, (usually) millennial writers keep showing us how utterly bereft of imagination they are, and how utterly incompetent they are at recreating even a fraction of the sense of *majesty*, awe and wonder which prevades Tolkien's work.

I hate it so much.


RoP costumes and writing are definitely a gold mind for YouTube content. 🙃


I can't believe we are getting season two dispite the writers and actors strike this is going to be a disaster.
But atleast we can look forward to you reviewing the second season 😅


I enjoy your commentary and delivery, easy to understand your points and not overtly theatrical like other channels. Well done, I will follow you for as long as your desire to create commentary continues. :)


I really enjoy your videos, especially the saltiness 🤩. It’s so much more enjoyable than the ROP ! I have concluded that season 1 is nothing more than an amateurish parody or poor imitation of a classic masterpiece. Better yet, it’s an extended teaching experience of how NOT to adapt a masterpiece of literature. The title should be : “ROP - HOW TO LOOSE FANS AND ALIENATE AUDIENCES”. At this point, I think Amazon should just take their budget for the remainder of the series and donate it to worthy causes like climate change or helping victims of natural disasters around the world, at least that would generate some modicum of good will… Have a wonderful vacation! 😊


Genuinely baffled why they are so comfortable "spoiling" Isildur's survival in S2 after making it a cliffhanger for S1. I mean, yes, it doesn't spoil much, we all know Isildur lives, but by that logic why make it a cliffhanger at all?


I enjoy the CGI and scenary thats about it with this particular show, also hoping Sauron wins in this one😅


6:04 ( bottom row, far right) the fellow on the far right row is rumored to be Celeborn. The actor's name is Calam Lynch.


I genuinely don't see any where for the story to go in the next series. Sauron's already back in Mordor and the rings already cast and they should know who Sauron is, so there's nothing much to do now in the time left until the Hobbit.


Ughhh the 'sea is always right' ughh if they wanted those Game of Thrones type of quotable lines (along the valar morgulis, breaking the wheel or other such or the mottos of great houses) if they wanted that....make it at least make sense! Or if talking of Faithful they could have used the elvish phrases "Valar valuvar" the will of the Valar be done...or "a vala Manwe" may Manwe order it!...This at least would make sense with the spirituality of the Faithful, the 'religious aspect'....or hell make the one single line spoken by Sauron in lotr appendices which are their source material...."Great kings take what is their right" they could have build entire thing aroudn the concept of kingship, with so many kings being characters (king of Dwarves, king of Elves, king of Numenor) this would actually give some THEME that the show can far....I have enough...this show is as that....a total waste of amazing source material! A total dumb fanfic with so embarassing plot that basically is so amateurishly written! Hell I bet there are fanfics out there which are far better and closer to lore done by fans who actually also can The lore butchery in itself is a big deal to me....but when the show itself is so bad on it';s damn they should have made Celebrimbor the 'main' protagonist but for that one needs better casting choice....hell the choice of Celebrimbor actor was THE worst I;ve seen....and add to that the diversity hires! Ughhhh enough is enough....they think only about I damned don't care about their agendas or ideologies....they wanted to put the ';diverse actors' give them roles consistent within this world....make them Haradrim! Make a whole subplot involving the Haradrim and Numenorean white colonialism (bonus points for the 'white man bad' narrative...for those weirdoes, but jokes aside, they could have depicted nuance and complexity of Tolkien's world! DAmmit!)...hell if they wanted those actors have Ismael Cruc Cordova play a young Haradrim warrior, Cynthia Addai his girlfriend or Haradrim princess, Lenny Henry an old father figure, tribal chief or king, Sophia Nomvete...some village witch learning sorcery and black arts of necromancy from the Enemy to show that Sauron uses temptation of power to pull followers....hell the subplot could have involved more exotic locales (Harad is de facto like North Africa) they would have the lore to back up....the Numenorean colonies along the shores of Harad, like Umbar could have been plot relevant locations (it was there that Ar-Pharazon landed with his army to subdue Sauron)....they could have used the book descriptions of Haradrim to give a unique visual feel:

"'More Men going to Mordor, ' he [Gollum] said in a low voice. 'Dark faces. We have not seen Men like these before... They are fierce. They have black eyes, and long black hair, and gold rings in their ears... lots of beautiful gold. And some have red paint on their cheeks, and red cloaks and their flags are red, and the tips of their spears; and they have round shields, yellow and black with big spikes."/"For a moment he caught a glimpse of swarthy men in red running down the slope some way off with green-clad warriors leaping after them... a man fell, crashing through the slender trees, nearly on top of them. He came to rest in the fern a few feet away, face downward, green arrow-feathers sticking from his neck below a golden collar. His scarlet robes were tattered, his corslet of overlapping brazen plates was rent and hewn, his black plaits of hair braided with gold were drenched with blood. His brown hand still clutched the hilt of a broken sword."

Already it shows more visually distinct and better look! Different culture and it's exploration...they could have used some elements of African cultures to build it up! The gold (as is usually the case the exotic countries of Harad would be rich in gold and ivory and so on and the 'greedy Numenoreans' could get additional motivation for conquering the land!) this would be right in the alley of the Second Age themes!

"Moreover, after Minastir the Kings became greedy of wealth and power. At first the Númenoreans had come to Middle-earth as teachers and friends of lesser Men afflicted by Sauron; but now their havens became fortresses, holding wide coastlands in subjection. Atanamir and his successors levied heavy tribute, and the ships of the Númenoreans returned laden with spoil."

The Return of the King, LoTR Appendix A, Annals of the Kings and Rulers: Númenor

Voila!!! And there it is, they could have amazing storytelling opportunities...to show complexity, and nuance showing both good and bad on both sides...the positive Numenorean characters and corrupted King's Men evil Numenoreans who enslave, conquer, economically exploit and treat harshly the natives! And both positive and bad Haradrim characters some would have legitimate grievances against Numenor, some would be motivated by desire of power, some would be fanatical worshipers of Sauron, some would be angry and eager to fight Numenor etc. a gripping complex tale! But swapped white folk *sigh* so basically these actors are playing roles of white people hah.


Don’t worry about spoilers. Somehow, I managed to watch the entirety of S1. I assumed that it would get better. As you know, it did not. I will not be watching S2, but I will be watching your videos.
