Smash Bros: How I Punish Counter

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I guess I didn't get the memo that in For Glory you're supposed to spam counter any time the opponent approaches you. I do this every time someone spams counter. I got cool highlights like this probably once a day on the 3DS version so I might make a little Falcon Punch after Counter montage or something. Also: this move seems to frequently work with air dodge. Just downthrow, shorthop towards them then Falcon Punch and their air dodge will end and they will have landing lag when the Falcon Punch hits.
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Captain Falcon must prove to Little Mac what true punches are XD


Super smash bros? More like super mash bros.


I've never seen a Video with 300+k Views and only 20+ Comments, tho


There's this golden rule I follow that when I face someone with a counter as Kirby, I judge them; if they're good sports, I'll fight 'em as usual. If they spam taunts after a kill, I give 'em the dick.

So say they get a stock and they do their usual song and dance of assholery; double taunt. Here's what I do; I grab the hammer. *I swear this always works*. They might roll once or twice but soon enough they'll get the urge to go for the disrespect. So they stand perfectly still. And when you're right next to them they use the counter and cackle. Then I can only imagine they shit themselves with fear when they realize they made a huge mistake as you rocketship their ass off to the moon. 

There are simply no words for how satisfying this is. Trust me on this, it works WAY more often than you think.
