How To Manifest Fast - Speed Up Manifestation 10X Faster

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🙌 Get Robert’s FREE Ebook “How To Make Miracles Happen” here: miracles
- Learn how to manifest fast and speed up manifestation 10X faster with this secret. Using the Law of Attraction you can manifest anything you want fast. When you manifest fast you are in alignment with the Universe. You will manifest 10X faster using the Law of Attraction secret revealed in this video. Manifest anything you want with the Law of Attraction when you use these secrets to shift your thoughts and beliefs. When you align your conscious mind and your subconscious mind you will know how to manifest fast using the Law of Attraction.

#manifestfast #speedupmanifestation #10X faster

June 19th, 6 PM PACIFIC
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The Easiest Way To Manifest Anything You Desire

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🌷🙏I pray that everyone gets what they manifest🙏🌷


I hope everyone who clicked on this video gets Thier manifestation soon. Maybe within 48 hours. Good luck.


🔥 *Steps to Manifest 10X Faster* 🔥

*1)* *CLARITY:* have absolute clarity of what you want to manifest and write it down *"My intention is to manifest (your desire)"*

Here's an example below:

*"My intention is to manifest to be loved in a happy relationship with the woman I love for the rest of my life."*

Leave room for the Universe to make it a little bit better than you expect it.

**REWRITE:* take your written intention and rewrite in *PRESENT TENSE* your intention for example, *"I Am", "I Have", "It Is"* which is your new affirmation and belief to manifest faster. .

*2)* *DEBATE DOUBTS:* your limiting beliefs, doubts and fears by writing it down.

Argue and debate those negative beliefs of why they have no power and are useless.

Adopt new positive thoughts that you choose to think throughout the day.

*3)* *SECRET:* some people like family, relatives, friends etc...may not be supportive of your desire and perhaps might add negative energy, vibrations and intentions against your desire.

So, you must be VERY selective on who you share your desire with or keep it secret.

*4)* *MEDITATE & VISUALIZE:* before you go to sleep meditate and visualize your desire in present tense to go to the subconscious mind.

*5)* *FOCUS:* focus yourself within to change outside of you. Don't be jealous nor envious of other people's desires or what they have cause it slows down your manifestation.

Focus positive beliefs inside of you of your desire.

*6)* *INSPIRED ACTION:* now actions of anxiety. fear, desperation, neediness and worry is *NOT* inspired action.

*7)* *GRATITUDE:* have future gratitude and be thankful in advance of your desire that you're manifesting.

*8)* *RECEIVE:* get ready to receive and put yourself into the position to receive your desire that you're manifesting cause *YOU DESERVE IT*


My manifestations are coming true 😍 and it’s magical


1. Absolute Clarity
Write down you intentions
Rewrite your intentions in Present Tense
2. Challenge your doubts, fear and believes
Debate ur focus
Adopt new thoughts
3. Stop telling everyone
Be very selective, when u share ur dreams
4. Meditate and visualize in present tense ( before u fall asleep and feel )
5. Focus within, to change things without
Don't be jelous,
6. Take inspired actions
Not based on nerdiness, worries etc.
But positive actions
7. Future graditude
Be thankful for, what u have and what u are going to menifest
8. Get ready to receive


I'm literally not kidding I did all the things last night and couple of hours later my manifestation worked!Like I was expecting it to be fast ..but yeah I'm literally shocked 😅thank you so much


Great video Robert!! Let's summarise it:

1. Absolute Clarity - Get very clear and specific about your desire (Write it down in present tense)
2. Challenge your Doubts, Fears and limiting Believes - (Write them down and debate with them to prove them useless & replace with positive thoughts)
3. Stop Telling Everyone - Be Very Selective When You Share Your Dreams (Don't make people work against you by sharing your goals with them)
4. Meditate & Visualise at Bed Time in Present Tense (Visualise the life you desire and feel the energy and excitement & enthusiasm)
5. Focus Within to Change Things Outside - No Jealousy, No Envy (Work inside out rather than outside in)
6. Take Inspired Action - Take actions based on inspiration & excitement
7. Practice Future Gratitude - Be grateful about things you are manifesting, be thankful for the life you want to live
8. Get Ready to Receive - Put yourself in a position to begin receiving because you deserve it (You deserve the money you want, the love you crave, and health & happiness you depend upon!!)


The notification popped up in my phone at 3:33 unbelievable ☺️☺️ was waiting for such a content from you since long. Thank you Robert and happy manifesting everyone


Most important step don't be attached let it go

If u have some bad experience ..revise them as positive as much as possible


3.33 here in India..this itself is a sign😁🌈😉


Focus within to change things without. You don't need to wait for your manifestation to show you feel the way that you want to feel 🌸


Robert, gratitude for every video you and Rachel produce. They are magical and so powerful! ✨
I hope everyone manifests what they want! ❤


Only 3 minutes in to this and worked

Most interesting video on this beautiful channels deserves millions thumbs up


I hope that everyone who reads this will manifest thousands of dollars. The biggest lesson I learned that allowed me to triple my income and to manifest the life I want is to focus on emotions instead of words. Asking is important but you have to become a vibrational match to what you want. Feel rich. Feel wealthy. Feel like a millionaire. Focus on your emotions and I promise you that your thoughts will change in the process. ❤️ 🙏


I am open and ready to receive my desire from the Universe. Thank you Universe for fulfilling my dream.


Even if you do tell a few people, it's still not the end of the world for your vision! You need to have a STRONG MIND and STRONG BELIEF! Block their negativity and keep co-creating your reality! Trust your intuition and always live in complete gratitude.


Thank you Robert!!!
I have thirty new people in my team!!! And 2 of them are already making 500$ a month
This is amazing!
Thank you !!!
This is so powerful


Good morning Robert/Rachael, I’m just listening to your other videos of attracting my Beautiful little lady back in to my life as my lover, at the moment we are just talking !!!! she is over 3.5hrs away from me as she’s gone to see her university friend who is really really poorly, I hope that my beautiful little ladies friend makes a speedy recovery, so that my beautiful little lady returns home safe so we can start moving forward in becoming as one 🙏🙏🙏


May God bless And I love your sense of humour. 🌷
