3 SUPER FAST Manifesting Techniques! | Law of Attraction

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My name is Andrea Schulman and I am a LOA content creator. I show people how to use the law of attraction with SUCCESS.

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XO, Andrea
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3 SUPER FAST Manifesting Techniques

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XOXO, Andrea


I did the “Flip Around” last week. I had a trip that wasn’t manifesting. So, I told myself, “ i’ve already told my clients I’m off, I already had someone cover for me at my one day a week job/for someone else; so if it doesn’t manifest I will just go home and see my family. “ … I’m spending 10 days in Paris in


Staying positive no matter how bad the situation is so incredibly smart!


#1 "I can do much better than this"
#2 "I changed my mind, and now I want the opposite"
#3 "I hope this takes a while to get here"


Just saw you for the 1st time, but I wanted to say that I appreciate the subtitles in your video SO MUCH! You have no idea how helpful they are to me and others. It definitely helps me comprehend what you are saying better and to certain people that may have hearing disorders/disabilities like APD disorder. Thank you


0:42: 🚗 The video discusses three super fast manifesting techniques, with the first one being 'I can do better than this' which helps release resistance and manifest something even better.
3:05: 🚗 The speaker shares their experience of manifesting and acquiring a Maserati car that they always wanted.
5:49: 🔁 The trick is about making peace with not getting what you want to the point that you're actually happy to not get what you want.
7:43 I changed my mind trick
8:29: 👍 Flipping negative expectations can lead to positive outcomes.
11:38: 💡 The speaker shares a trick to deal with waiting for people to arrive at a party.
Recap by Tammy AI


I've definitely had experience in the flip around. I practiced an attitude of gratitute. I SO DESPERATELY wanted to find a job and move away from my toxic family household. I so desperately wanted to find a partner - And i kid you not - As soon as i was grateful for the positives in my life now (even on days where it felt really hard to stay positive) And as soon as I released resistance to finding a partner - I put wayyy less time and energy and effort into finding someone decent and was okay continuing on my healing journey- I didn't really NEED a partner anyways - Within 1 day, i had found an amazing guy (Who ive been living with for a almost a year now, and in a relationship for a year and a half)... I found a job in order to move out of the toxic household within 2 weeks. Amazing.


I have a great example from last weekend. My mother-in-law and I have been decluttering and decided to do a yard sale last Saturday. Our start time for the sale was 9am, and when we've had sales in the past people would start showing up around 8:30am for first dibs. This time around no one showed up early, not even at 9am. I was starting to get worried that no one was going to come. But then I decided to make the most of my time and was able to have my husband bring out more "big ticket' items for sale like a couple TVs, lawn mowers, furniture items, etc. Mostly stuff that I wasn't able to haul out on my own because it was too heavy. We had the yard sale set up with items displayed and categorized just perfectly. At 10am people started coming by and buying things. Most of our items were sold by the end of the day. It was THE MOST successful yard sale we've ever had and we are so grateful!


When I’ve started my business, and was not having any clients for a while, I’ve decided to “change my mind and not want to have clients”, and in a few days I got my first client!!!! Who reached out to me, and asked to pay in full right away, without me doing anything (besides deciding to change my mind 😅) thank you so much!!


You are 💯 right. I wanted my ex back. Eventually though I gave it up. I literally journaled for a while- I wrote down why I it might better to not have him AND I started to tell myself that I could do better. I started feeling this resistance finally lift for the first time in months. Wouldn’t ya know it, he freaking texts me out of the blue within the next few days of that?? Now we’ve been going strong for 3 years since !! You really need to find that inner peace with not having something and know that you can do better.


I'm not the kind of person who's into techniques, but I love how you come up with all the fun ways of manifesting! You really do make a fun game out of manifesting, Andrea!


So I did a what I’ll call a “half flip around technique” and it worked for me. I didn’t convince myself that I wanted the opposite, but instead I convinced myself that I would be 100% happy even if I didn’t get what is was that I wanted to manifest. I started by writing out in detail (but not overly detailed) what I wanted and then followed up with an honest internal dialogue about how I would love it, but I don’t really need it, and I would still be 100% happy without it, so it’s totally ok if it doesn’t manifest etc”. I completely moved on and didn’t dwell on it a minute longer. It’s like I let myself day dream this desire and then I let it GO after that internal dialogue. Well, two days later what I had written down started coming, and I ended up getting EXACTLY what I wanted. Won’t get into details but it was a very big manifestation that I’m astounded by to this day, because it was completely out of reach.


I totally agree with that party guests technique Andrea. Often times I am looking at the clock, waiting for a client and watch five or ten minutes go by. I am thinking “maybe it’s a no show”, but as soon as I say it out loud, “I wish it’s a no show, or a cancellation, so I can leave and run an errand on my way home”… Here they come! 😐
At that point it’s a mixed feeling. I’m glad they showed up (in other words more money 😉) and then there’s that mental adjustment, for postponing the errand.
This has happened multiple times over the years. Loud thinking or saying it out loud, works.
Enjoyed watching this video. ❤️
Thank you 🙏😊


I think I have an example for the second technique.

When I was younger I was one of the finalist for an art competition at my school. Only a few kid’s drawing were going to be sent to the competition. The day the chosen ones were going to be announced, I wasnt on the list. I went back to class, although I was sad, I told myself again and again that it was fine, I was happy to be even be considered and that bigger and greater opportunities would come along so it was ok not to be chosen, I was happy for my friends that were. Later on that day, I was asked to come outside of my class and some teachers explained to me that there had been a mistake in the list and that I was one of the chosen finalists :)


I love the last one because it switches it around like... i'm not waiting for my manifestation, i'm making it wait for me✨✨


I used number 3 to get a plumber two weeks ago, after my usual trusted one retired. It worked well. They said I would have to wait 24 hours and we got someone in the evening to diagnose the issue, once I was ok with the wait.


Thank you for this wonderful video. The second trick has actually worked for me in reactivating my business. I thought I would lose the business but the moment I actually let go and became at peace with losing the business, it came back alive.


Oh, this reminds me one time when I got sick instantly with no reason at all. I was absolutely fine that day but around 2-3 p.m. I felt like my body temperature rose to 38-40 C. or something within MINUTES. I didn't even have time to prepare or anything. I had to crawl upstairs to lay down on the bed because I couldn't stand or walk anymore. When I laid down on the bed, my bones hurt like they were going to shatter into pieces, my body ached all over, I felt like my body was burning and the steam evaporated from my body. I was super confused because I kept seeing random and weird images when I tried to close my eyes. That time I thought I was really going to die fo sure. Of course I was so scared but when it hurt to the point that I thought I couldn't bear it anymore I shouted (on my mind) 'F*** DEATH! You're coming at me? Then COME! You think I'm afraid? F*** U! Fine! I'm dying! OKAY! I got it!' and things like that for about half an hour (I guess) 🤣 And when I woke up around 4-5 p.m. I felt like I was reborn again with a fresh mind and body. That time I felt more confused, glad and mad at the same time. I was like : I almost died an hour ago but now you act like nothing happened? Is it fun? Seriously? (to whoever did that to me)

It's still a mystery about what happened to me that day. So weird!


I did this summer...I manifested some four leaf clovers by thinking about my friends finding them and being excited... then kept finding them.... THEN was like "enough is enough they won't be special anymore" LOL then I KEPT FINDING THEM... I was on number 7 or 8 and then a friend was like you should TRY to find them and give them to friends...and I thought "yes! I'm going to do that" BUT THEN I felt the energy/intention change and then I didn't find them the rest of summer. LOL I was thinking yesterday maybe I'd reboot that the right way.


I accidentally did the second one the other day. My computer suddenly died. I tried restarting it several times and it kept saying "insert a harddrive". I stayed calm, shut it down, and started thinking "okay, I know how to recover my files. What kind of new computer should I start looking at now?" And I started thinking about what specs I should look for, accessories, etc. The next day I went to my desk and hit the power button as if nothing weird had happened the night before. The thing came on like nothing ever happened. I had to laugh. And be proud of myself because years ago I would have FREAKED out.
