Makita Drywall Saw XDS01Z verses DeWALT Multi Tool DCS356B (Which one is better at Drywall)

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We compare these tools as drywall tools only. Show what we like and what we don’t.
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I'm an emergency mitigation technician and I work with drywall every day. Multi tool is not made for drywall! They work for cutting detailed things like around electrical boxes but if you're doing any significant cutting or working on a lid. 2/4 foot flood cuts. Get the makita.


I forgot to mention why we switched to a Festool container. The latches on the Makita are extremely stiff and since we already had Festool systainers we switched to that.


Love this channel man. U guys need more attention.Really cool dynamic and good vibes. I was looking for more info on this tool and glad u guys popped up. Maybe one day you guys could do that top 10 tools video. Wishing you good favor and success in 2024!


The makita looks perfect for asbestos and mold applications


Thanks for the video guys, I think a drywall cutout tool would have been a more useful comparison against the Makita saw. I didn't know the Dewalt mulitool had that quick blade change, I might have to trade my Milwaukee in for one since I use both platforms. You can dial in the depth on a cutout tool as well, but that V on the base of the Makita saw is probably easier to cut a straight line, especially with a laser level. I really think you need both, the cutout tool cuts perfect lines around studs, and electrical boxes, and the Makita saw is good for just free-style cutting, and laser level cutting. For cutting out sections of drywall I prefer not cutting down the center of a stud and run the risk of damaging those expensive blades, I think I would use the Makita saw for the long cuts up to the stud, then the cutout tool along the studs to finish the cuts, then double up another 2x4 a little larger than the hole, on each end against the stud to secure the new section of drywall.


I use a rotorzip with no guide points but for no dust I tape the fan blower to stop wind 💨


Great Video gonna get the makita for a renovation and restoration 18th century house I'm doing not a straight cut or square cut anywhere. have been using a multi tool defiantly will be ordering makita and your right on the dewalt multi tool its the smoothest


1:27 should the blade in oscillating tools be changed to half-circle type?


If you need to run electrical or plumbing on a remodel with the makita just run a straight cut with it across the walls


Own the dewalt but wish they made the Makita style too. Looks like Im going to have to get the makita and a battery adaptor. Love the dust collection its worth it for that alone. How good is it hooked to Vac?


Consider Rigid easy blade change and powerful. Blade I like Bosh carbide. Cut nails and brass plumping drain take pipes and nuts loose.


i have both and hands down the makita is the way to go. smooth cutting and you can control the depth much easier...


Been doing drywall for 40 plus years, would use either for everyday


Maybe get a Fein blade especially long life blades or even the universal ones, I've used the universal Dremel and it's not as good as the Fein and they are both similar prices, I've gone through both blades enough to see which lasts longer and I prefer Fein and diablo multi-tool blades more than Dremel. Don't think the Dremel universal is bad but it's not the best


Total newbie amateur DIY'er here, but I've been using the fein multimaster with great results on drywall (and lots of other stuff too). Once you learn how to handle it, the multitools are awesome. I have a depth gauge attachment for mine that makes it even faster for drywall, similar to the makita drywall saw. The rounded blades seem are a little better for cuts that are over 6" or so in my opinion, while the straight ones work perfectly to cut out electrical boxes etc. Cutting down full sheets I might consider the makita, but it could certainly be done without it. If you have to choose between a multitool or dedicated drywall saw I recommend the multitool for its versatility, as opposed to the drywall saw which is exactly what its name suggests and nothing more.


Why didn't you run the dewalt with a drywall blade?


This is like comparing steak knife and a swiss army knife to see which one is better at cutting steak.


That is cool how you change cutter on Dewalt


this is an apples and oranges comparison. Multitool has no dust collection and was not designed for this specific messy and accuracy-needed purpose. Just think how many times the multitool veered offtrack or bounced around when passing over a stud or controlling depth, etc. You can hold a vac in one had and rely one the other to hold the multitool and precicely guide it if you are that talented, but why.


a rounded multi tool blade would be a lot better compression
