This Device Can Record Your Dreams

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This device can record your dreams. But how does it work? Watch to find out!

follow me or you will not wake up
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If your dreams were recorded, would you let people watch them?


I bet live-streaming your dreams would be way riskier than not clearing your search history


To anyone who comes across this comment: I hope you achieve lucid dreaming tonight!


in future: lucid dreams can play multiplayer with your friends


"this device can record your dreams"

My dreams: *dancing potato stuck on a leopard's mouth while onions vomit French fries and burgers swing to the end of the universe*


Explore Lucid Dreaming in 2047: Lucid Dream Livestream! Gotta have some Fun


“Your memory sucks”

*laughs in remembers a dream from 5 years ago*



My first dream : I found myself walking through a dense, enchanting forest. The trees were tall and covered in luminescent moss that glowed softly in the moonlight. As i walked, i noticed the ground was littered with colorful flowers that emitted a sweet, intoxicating fragrance. The path ahead was winding and mysterious, drawing her deeper into the woods.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of running water. I followed the sound and emerged into a clearing with a crystal-clear stream flowing through it. Next to the stream was a small, wooden cabin with smoke curling out of its chimney. Curious, I approached the cabin and knocked on the door. It creaked open on its own, revealing a cozy interior with a warm fire crackling in the fireplace.

Inside, an old woman with kind eyes and a gentle smile beckoned her to come in. The woman introduced herself as Elara and offered me a cup of tea. As they sat by the fire, Elara began to tell me about the forest's magical properties and its ability to reveal one's deepest desires and fears.

I listened intently, feeling a strange sense of familiarity with the place. Elara then handed me a small, ornate mirror and told her to look into it. As i gazed into the mirror, she saw scenes from her past, moments of joy and sorrow, achievements and regrets. The images shifted and changed, finally settling on a vision of her standing on a cliff's edge, looking out over a vast, beautiful landscape.

Elara explained that the cliff represented a pivotal moment in my life, a point where she had to make an important decision. The dream was urging her to reflect on her choices and trust her instincts. i felt a sense of clarity and peace wash over her as she realized what she needed to do.

The next morning, I woke up with a renewed sense of purpose. It had given me the insight i needed to face my fears and make a decision I had been struggling with for a long time.

my second dream at 10 likes


Also I once had a dream about recording dreams from dreams of the dream.
I was showing someone my dream journal, which had images and text. The images showed caves, landscapes, just this fantastic alien imagery. I'd figured out how to not only record the descriptions of dreams, but also take images in those dreams and bring them into the real world.
For the text, I'd start writing and doze off while writing, then snap myself awake. Repeat and I get a semi-legible dream description. For the images, I'd take a picture in my dream, imagine having a flash drive in the dream I had while awake, downloading the images to that and I'd wake up with the dream photos on my flashdrive.

Not only did I talk about dreams in my dream, but I also analyzed what I'd found out. In dream photos, everything was somewhat "fuzzy" and "indistinct" around the edges, no hard lines. Was trippy


Finally I can edit the perfect ending of me kissing my crush


20 years later-
“let me go through your dream history”


Alhamdulillah from my childhood hood I've written all of my dreams in my notes and I remember 90% of my dreams since when I was born and now am 17 and when I read the holy Quran then I got remembered the 100% of my life dreams and lucid dreams also and I can also visualise them and my memories are so strong alhamdulillah am nothing Allah has given me this gift and I know he has a good plan for me and may Allah put me on right path


1:11 THAT is exactly why I’m struggling with my dream journal! And also the fact that, when I do wake up, the memories of my dreams feels completely inaccurate to what I was seeing while I was dreaming.


I hate how sometimes I wake up and remember nothing 😭


"It also doesn't cost a million dollars."
*looks it up *
"at an estimated initial cost of $10-20 million"


elon musk has to invent multiplayer dreams, we just need it


When a dream comes like "the world is destroying now!" Or something related to ending I got to know that this is a dream and I am like "no, this can't happen!"


“This device can record your dreams”
Me with a bad memory: I *need* that

5:10 “we have all the technology to do it, it just needs to be developed” we have all the technology to do anything then, it just needs to be developed.


3:27 how did they get "actual footage"?
