Yamaha | CP Series OS v1.6 Live Demo | Krzysztof Pająk | SUPERBOOTH24

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Enjoy this live demonstration of the Yamaha CP Series OS v1.6 Update with Yamaha Synthesizer & Stage Keyboard specialist Krzysztof Pająk. Recorded Live on 17.05.2024 at Superbooth24 in Berlin.

The new update to OS v1.6 adds new modes to the already impressive Yamaha CP88 and CP73 feature set. The three functions grant more versatility, especially for synth lead purposes. Switching between monophonic and polyphonic operations is now possible, allowing for different play styles for lead sounds. With the second new option, “Portamento”, users can adjust the time of “glide” between two sounds, giving it a completely different feel and aesthetic. Finally, “Pan” enables the positioning of sounds in the stereo spectrum. Employing these new functions allows users to customise the behaviour of sounds to optimise them for the application at hand.

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Рекомендации по теме

Yamaha cp series
Keyboard is to advanced
Thank for sharing
The sound quality is top best out there
Thank again
Producer Chico Black ❤️


Very nicely demonstrated by Krzysztof! Happy with these new additions to the CP. Hopefully more will follow. I submitted some ideas to IdeaScale a couple of weeks ago (hint hint) 😉


Am I missing something or what? We wait a looong time for updates for our stage PIANOs only to get 'functions' we could buy a synthesizer for! (???) Once again - NO new piano sounds this not a 'piano orientated' instrument?

Why is it that all we get with updates is 'problem fixes' & functions 'no pianist is ever likely to be interested in' ??? Sorry to be a grouch, but at this stage I'm seriously considering trading in my CP for an instrument from another manufacturer - who understands what 'stage pianists' want from a 'stage piano' 😢


Add a Filter knob instead of Tone please!
