Where Did the Celts Get Their Name? #celtic #history #irish #blackdragontavern

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In this video, we'll explore the history of the Celts and how they got their name.

Did you know that the Celts got their name from the ancient Greeks? The Greeks called the Celts “ Keltoi” which means “except the people ofkelta”. The Keltoi were a people who lived in present-day Scotland and Ireland. So where did the Celtic people come from? And where do they live now? Tune in to learn more in this video!
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In reality the word "Keltoi" is a word created and used by the Greeks. You can guess from the fact that there is a K, which does not exist in the Latin alphabet. "Keltoi", furthermore, indicated the populations encountered by the Greeks when they founded their colony of Messalia (Marseille, in southern France) The Romans called them Gauls. The word "Galatians" also derives from this name, used to indicate the Celts who migrated to Anatolia (now Turkey) The name that the Celts collectively gave themselves is actually unknown, but they were certainly a people who still recognized themselves as unique, even if they were very divided from each other. There is a name: Tené culture, which is used by archaeologists to indicate their collective culture. The name derives from the place where, for the first time, large quantities of finds attributable to a Celtic origin were found un


Well yes and no... as somebody below already mentioned the term _‘keltoi’_ first began being used by the Greeks, and I believe it was Hecataeus of Miletus that might have coined the term _‘keltoi’_ which could have been used to refer to any number of tribes suchs as the Bituriges, Insubres, Boii, Senones, Sequani, Aedui, Volcae, etc., all different tribal groups of the Gauls.

In Old Irish the word _ceil_ or another variation _ceilid_ means ‘to hide’ or ‘to conceal’ and then there is the Lithuanian _kálti_ which means ‘to strike’ or ‘to beat’ which could possibly be the origin of the word _Celt._
Another alternative is that it could be related to an Old Irish word that means ‘exalted, ’ but I can't remember what that word was off the top of my head right now.


Ah, that explains a lot.

Oh, and thanks for teaching me how to pronounce it. My first language is spanish, and the word 'celta' is pronounced different than 'celt' is in english.


The Galileans were also Celts related to the Galatians


Omg. How in the heck did I not know that the Gauls were the Galatians? Can you do a video about them in the Bible?


Maybe not a cultural or tribal reference, but another definition of Celt, or Kelt, is a stone axe. Just a thought.


Another words it would sound like to me that they were one of the 10 northern tribes of Israel that were dispersed after Assyria conquered the northern lands. Interesting.


O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may get to know one another. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you. Allah is truly All-Knowing, All-Aware. (Al-Qur'an, Al-Hujurat: 13)

And indeed, We created humankind from an extract of clay, then placed each human as a sperm-drop in a secure place, then We developed the drop into a clinging clot, then developed the clot into a lump of flesh, then developed the lump into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, then We brought it into being as a new creation. So Blessed is Allah, the Best of Creators. After that you will surely die. (Al-Qur'an, Al-Mu'minun: 12-15)
