The Celts Explained in 11 Minutes

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Today, the word Celtic means so many things. To most of us, it means something related to Ireland. We think of intricately designed Irish crosses, four-leaf clovers, and some of the more well-known stories of Celtic mythology. However, while Celtic culture has stayed alive in Ireland, its roots run much deeper, and they extend much farther than the small island nation off the coast of modern-day Great Britain.

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Latin is gone but Gaelic is still spoken. Rome killed a third of the population and enslaved a million celts, but in the end the celts culture held out.


The Celtic culture is still valued and preserved in North Western Spain, we value our Celtic ancestors


“Disorganized” is a funny way of saying that they were people free of tyranny


The Celts have one foot in this world and one foot in the other. That is what makes us unique in my opinion.


Ever wondered why Switzerland has CH on the number plate, and not SW or SWI?
CH stands for confederatio helvetica or helvetic confederation. The Helvetii were a tribe that fought against julia caesar and the oppressive destructive force of romans that enslaved and killed hundreds of thousands of indigenous kelts.


The Irish word for foreigner is 'gall'. Pronounced 'gaul'. Presumably the Gauls were the first major foreigners to arrive to Ireland


Celtic culture is so associated with Ireland" every welsh, west English person, and scot screams.


It is a great shame that the once dominant languages of Europe, Celtic, have been driven to the very edges and have close to extinction. However, I hear there is a small renaissance in interest in Welsh, Irish and Scottish Celtic. This is encouraging and I hope it grows. After all, isn't it really language that really defines a nation?


horrible. they were not "disorganized" they loved and respected individual freedom OVER domination.


"Finally, in the 6th century B.C.E., after the Roman occupation of the British isles was over"
A history channel should know what BCE stands for.
That's a long time BEFORE the Roman occupation of Britain


Scottish Gaelic survives as a language still today. And Scotland‘s population is even larger than Ireland‘s and yet they always get left out of the discussion smh.


"the Celtiberians were an easy conquest for the Romans"

>Takes 200 years to subdue the region, the longest of any region the Romans conquered


scotland too. Not just Ireland. We are also celtic but are always overshadowed by the Irish, it is ok though we are used to it and this history video is fascinating thank you for this


British celts spoke a different language to the Irish celts .British is Brythonic and Irish is Goidelic.The welsh language is Brythonic.


The Scots are Celts too! Also Cornish and Manx from the Isle of Man. There are also Celts in Brittany of France and Galicia in Spain. This is a very biased view of history probably the American is of Irish Decent as that seemed to be what the video was about! Has he ever heard of Scottish Gaelic? The book of the Celts that is now in Ireland was written on Iona an Island in Scotland! Very poor video if you want a whole view of Celtic history go to another video!


Unclear to me why the Czech Republic was left out of the original recitation of European countries where the Celts once thrived . . . we find shards of Celtic - which is to say pre-Slavic - pottery everywhere in the fields around our Southern Bohemian cottage, and the research on them is vast.


Scottish People are Celtic, so are Welsh, and the people of Cornwall and Brittany, not just the Irish.
And many people in Spain, France and Portugal know that they are descends of the Celts.
Celtic culture didn't disappear, it evolved into the modern world and we Celts still live it.


Impressive how you managed to miss out Scotland even tho in your slides Scottish Gaelic is right there in the same family as Irish, and you kept talking about the Romans having invaded the 'British isles' when your maps clearly showed how they were only really in one island and did not hold Scotland or Ireland
Also 'People think the only Celts are the Irish' - really? Who are these people, were they educated in a shoe?


Alot of information in this is wrong. Celts did not begin in france. They never retreated to ireland, they never called themselves celts. Romans never stopped celts from writing, the druids simply opposed a written language


Lotta in accuracys here. ESPECIALLY when you said that "the celtiberians proved an easy target for rome." Even though rome copied so much from them and were rebelled against in three wars. Also it took 11 months for the romans to secure a victory from attacking a city. Not to mention creating one of the deadliest swords at the time the falcata. I'm proud of my ancestors the celtiberians.
