LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: Amber Heard Amicus Brief - Does It Have More Merit Than People Think?

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*Everyone found out this summer that Amber Heard, and her lawyer team committed perjury when they claimed she was too poor to pay her promised contribution to Children’s Hospital.* _It turns out insurance companies were paying for the lawyers. They’re fighting each other over who owes how much of her bill_ so all these people have tied themselves irreparably to a woman who not only lost her decimation case but has committed perjury.

So _Amber believe she was abused and that’s acceptable proof, _*_JD also believed he was abused but that’s not enough proof?”_*

Why? Just because one is a woman and the other is a man?


The main thing to consider when reviewing this Amicus Brief. Appellate Judge's are used to seeing these types of desperate tactics all the time. This is common everyday stuff for them. If anything they run the risk of infuriating the Judge because they are trying to convince them of such an obsurd concept. To try and say they should reverse the case because it hurts others is them actually saying "men cannot be victims of DV so let's not start this precedence." These Judge's know what they are doing. I am confident they will see this Amicus for what it really is. A desperate ploy from a desperate person.


She didn't even know about those text messages to his friends until he handed his phone over, so how did those text messages effect her ?


One last thing… Team AH always say things like, he (JD) promised her this would happen to her. No- he was trying to help her, trying to warn her not to do this. He said he would have no choice but to defend himself. It was NOT a threat, it was a warning and anyone who listens to that recording (many of us heard) knows that!


This is why she should have been charged with perjury. That way it's also the court that says she's a liar, not just us. I can't see how you come away from that trial, thinking she was any kind of a victim. Where the hells her proof? She takes a million pics of herself, yet after the 'beating of her life' (where she thought she was going to die), the only injury she can take a pic of, is a bruise on her arm, and still these orgs stand by her? I just don't get it!!


Oh waaa, he called her some names. If that's the only abuse he's accused of well then I'd pretty much call him a saint compared to what she did.


Ever since Johnny won, I've been celebrating the fact that ALL victims can be believed, not just the female ones. My brother is in an abusive relationship (she insults him, has thrown bottles at him, cut his face with a box cutter, tried to rip his beard out, came at him with a coat hanger, and she even watched this trial just for tips on how to set him up next time) and he won't call the cops saying ... "They won't believe me". When the cops have been called, sadly he was proved right. I've been hoping this trial opens people's eyes to how male victims suffer too.


As a survivor. I couldn’t look at my abuser like JD did. I wanted to move on just like JD wanted and is doing. She doesn’t seem to be a victim. She appeared to be a lier and dramatic. And continues to not let go just like and abuser. Coukd hear it in her tone she wants to control and hurt him still. Typically abuser


Every time I hear this brief read I can only think of how AH was the abuser and carried on a targeted campaign of abuse and harassment at JD. I watched the trial, it was pretty obvious that she was lying, a lot. She had a whole parade of experts testifying, they could have testified as what abuse is. I am a survivor myself, I know a narcissist when I see one. I've also known several male victims of domestic violence.


Yes Peter I agree with you too, those that abuse should be prosecuted however those that are accused and then determined that they are not guilty have a right to sue the other person


Seems like they are bias as they are only referring to female victims and male abusers from what they are claiming. Totally dismissing male victims and female abusers. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My main issue is for the last six years Heard claimed she was a victim of all the abuse. During the trial we saw she was verbally, physically and potentially SA against Depp. Depp perhaps verbally abusive only against Heard. She never took responsibility for her control and clear anger issues, she never took responsibility for her own own abuse against Depp. If she had been honest six years ago perhaps it would never have come to this.


Thank you. As you were talking about it, I remembered how stunned I felt, as I watched the trial, at the exaggerations being stated by Amber Heard. I agree that a simple, unadorned truth would have better served her. Unfortunately, truth doesn't seem to be in her nature.


The only reason they (the jury) gave her that count was because Adam Waldman’s statement said things that the evidence proved didn’t happen. I think JD has a good chance to win his appeal because Waldman didn’t say that out of malice he said it because that is what he actually


As a female DV survivor, I don't believe that anyone involved in this watched the trial or has truly looked at the number of female DV survivors watched the trial and support Johnny. While we true survivors are appalled by the lies AH spoke. Or the fact that anyone actually stands up for her!!🤔🤔🤨🤨😪😪


The point is Amber didn’t claim verbal abuse. He wouldn’t have been cancelled for


The jury was matching up the evidence to Amber’s stories/lies to what they knew to be true based on the evidence.


How come it’s wrong fir him to call her names (and abusive), but it’s not wrong for her to call him names and hit him? Is it abuse only if it’s a male doing it, and not abuse if it’s a woman doing it? I don’t like the whole set of assumptions underlying this brief, which seem to include only males can be abusive and that victims are stupid. We aren’t stupid. I see that reporting ‘abuse’ by telling a bunch of lies doesn’t work. I think that’s a good thing.


Does nobody in this amicus group think that all they are bringing forward does apply to a victim BUT that the victim here was J.D. not AH ?


Johnny was only defending himself because she was always yelling at him and starting and escalating fights and was mad Johnny would leave and wouldn't fight. So yes his language wasn't great but it was in response to her verbal, psychological and physical abuse...