EP 342: Reader Question - Is life boring without alcohol?

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Is life boring without alcohol? Most people assume it will be. And, that belief keeps them stuck drinking long after alcohol has drained all the fun. What makes us bored? Can alcohol erase boredom? Does the absence of alcohol create boredom? This Naked Mind head coach Scott Pinyard explains.

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Highlights of Is Life Boring Without Alcohol?

* We drink to numb and we cannot selectively numb
* We numb our happiness, we numb our joy, we numb out the great experiences that we have.
* Our disengagement when we're drinking influences our beliefs
* We take away all the highs and lows, all the excitement and all the good when we drink
* Life gets more interesting and more robust without alcohol
* Join the Live Alcohol Experiment to experience how amazing a life without alcohol can be!

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Great video! I did the same thing ...quit drinking and discovered my music again. I have so much fun playing, entertaining, editing, etc.! What a difference!


I stopped using Allen Carr's Easy-way method. Life is infinitely less boring without alcohol.
