Applied Cryptography: Random Numbers (2/2)

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there is another thing you have to beware of. although 12 is not cyclic per sa. it does repeat the last digit (0, 1, 4, 9, 6, 5, 6, 9, 4, 1, 0, 1, 4). this is the diagonal line of the multiplication table, an it does set a distinct pattern. so don't choose numbers that set a distinct pattern. furthermore in Z12 star p = (1 to p -1) 1/11 = 12/11 = 144/11 = 1.09090909..., and if you subtract the 1 and multiply 12 you still get 1.09090909... there are more on what I will call a semi cyclic diagonal line( until I get a better name ). so this is two reason you should avoid modulo 12 if possible.


sir how we can encrypt and decrypt using these numbers .pls explain


Hello. Im very fond of cryptography but my mathematical background is quite limited. Im looking for ways to learn online, would you happen to have any recommendations?
