Все публикации

Four Versions of Circle Packing

Collatz Conjecture Visualization

Mathematical Modeling: Lecture 3 -- Difference Equations -- Part 3

Real Analysis: Lecture 2 -- Upper Bounds and Supremums

Mathematical Modeling: Lecture 2 -- Difference Equations -- Part 2

Real Analysis: Lecture 1 -- Review of Sets

Mathematical Modeling: Lecture 1 -- Difference Equations -- Part 1

Mathematica Tutorial: Basics of Lists

Mathematica Tutorial: Getting Started for Absolute Beginners

Pari/GP Tutorial: Vectors, Lists, and Matrices

Visualization of Some Math Constants

Pari/GP Tutorial: Some Number Theory Functions

Pi Visualization

Pari/GP Tutorial: Basics

Elementary Number Theory: Sieve of Eratosthenes

Elementary Number Theory: Infinitely Many Primes

Elementary Number Theory: Introduction to Primes

Elementary Number Theory: Installing Pari/GP in Mac OS and Linux

Elementary Number Theory: Installing Pari/GP in Windows 10

Elementary Number Theory: One Calculator to Rule them All

Elementary Number Theory: Finding All Divisors by 'Hand' (sort of)

Elementary Number Theory: Checking for Divisibility Graphically

Selected Topics in Abstract Algebra | Number of Even Permutations

Selected Topics in Abstract Algebra | Odd and Even Permutations