Coleman Mobile Home Furnaces OLD vs NEW?

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We address the Pros and cons of upgrading your old furnace in your mobile home to a new furnace.
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I came here to figure out which panel goes where on my older furnace. And boy did I learn a lot more! Thank you very much!


Yep. I have a manufactured home from the late 80's. It has the old style. That thing has been going strong for the last 10 years . Starting to get 4 green flashes . Need to rock the rocker switch to get it to light up again when there are filters in it. I'm gonna pull the blower and clean it and replace the limit and the temp sensor. Great info. Thanks for making this vid


Thank you!! I was trying to find filters on my old Presidential II (1978) & had no luck. The 1" won't fit in the edge... Sooo I really appreciate the info about the filters. I have a grid over mine so it holds it in place BUT the filter material is breaking down so I was looking for replacements. This confirms what the HVAC company near me told me ... that they don't make 'em. LOL


Well done. Good information and well presented. Just bought a Manufactured home with the new style Coleman furnace. Just wish the blower fan was not so loud.


I was wondering about the handle gap on the old furnace, which is what I have, and I thought the filter was supposed to cover it. Mine does have a wire frame-like device to hold the filters in. I guess the owners of the furnace you removed never had it or lost it. Hope one day to upgrade as well, great video, love the electricity savings. It is a real pain trying to light my pilot light when it goes out.


Fun to watch video. Very informative. A real professional.


I've worked on those Coleman furnaces for several years, most you don't see anymore in mobile homes in Florida, they come equipped with the Intertherm electric furnaces EB12's or EB15's with that model you are displaying in your video, that's either the Presidential or Presidential 2, it's probably at best an 80, 000btu input and 54, 000btu output; they are capable of handling a lot of BTU's You mentioned about the fan size being small, if it didn't have an A/C package; which came with the larger blower and motors, those units are capable of upwards to 5tons of cooling, I've upgraded them from standing spark to electronic spark ign. with the smart valves. Those Old furnaces are pretty decent, the motors can be upgraded to ECM motors as the new ones.


Lucky me, i am in Hemet, will be calling you guys soon, had a fire, not from the old coleman, that worked perfect since 1963


Great video I have an older colman then that one it's still working pretty good. But if i wanted to upgrade what would i be lloking at for the unit and installation so i could maybe save up . Thank you


We have the same exact one on the right. When the furnace powers up there's a small motor one the right


thanks for the info, took me 4 days to find your video.


So this video is the right one I was looking for as it's the same heater I have. One problem your video showed nothing inside the box I needed. I'm looking for the ignition switch location to change it.


Very informative. I'd love to see more. We're living in a mid 70's 1400 SQ FT DualWide. The heat & a/c comes out of ceiling ducts and returns via floor ducts. May want to replace the heat & a/c system (quite old and still working). Based on research I can see the outside unit, air handler, and vent stack being replaced. The duct work is pretty much sealed above the ceiling and behind the belly band beneath the trailer. Whatever resources / references / suggestions you might have regarding systems like the Coleman would be great as I research my options. BTW CA utility costs are pretty high, so might want to consider options of heat pump vs. gas / electric for heating and cooling. Pretty mild climate where we live. Thanks!


This furnace was installed in my home in 2011. The blower motor had to be replaced in 2016...a few months after the warranty expired, of course. Now the blower motor is overheating all the time (4 flashing green lights) and I haven't been able to get anyone in to fix it. I wish I had never agreed to a new furnace as they old one was incredibly reliable.


Trying get model of new one. I have the newer one and it was working fine. Yesterday it quit. I hear the fan spinning and ignition lights ? Then shuts off!
Its 9 degrees here and going lower... 🥶 any
Thank You for your time... 😊


My old one is from 1990 still going strong
I shut gas off in the summer.


you say you can get replacements for the new plastic cover, where can I find the parts, I can't find them. Thanks for the video, very well done.


Coleman is great furnace. I have the "newer" style. Super reliable. Mines going on 25 years. do you have a video or know of one that shows how to change out the heat exchanger on the Coleman counter flow?


Good information, thanks. I understand it's your job to push new units, but most of us will take dependability over any perceived efficiency any day. No way that new until will be here still working 50 years from now, everything has planned obsolescence designed into it now.


Great info, except which way is air flow for proper filter placement? Thank you!
