3 Shocking Ways Smartphone Addiction Erodes Your Brain And Memory

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Are you concerned about how smartphones affect your life? If not… You should be.


Because if you're spending too much time on your phone, you might be suffering from smartphone slavery.

Smartphone addiction damages your memory and your LIFE. Sounds terrifying, right?

It is.

And if you have the cell phone addiction symptoms, then you're memory is at risk.

Seriously, smartphone addiction harms your mind, your memory and your ability to understand information. It also impairs your ability to interact in the real world.

Memory impairment happens because you rely too much on your smartphone devices to process information.

For one thing, you're not asking your brain to work at understanding information. That said, it weakens your ability to focus and think deeply.

Don't let that horrible thing to impede your brain's true potential.

There are still ways to get away from that misfortune. You can undo the damage done by mobile phone overuse.

Here's the full blog post about Smartphone Addiction and ways on how you can undo the damage:

The ultimate technique to follow is called "Digital Fasting." Reduce the time you spend on using your smartphone. Better yet, switch off and detach yourself from your phone. Find time for book reading.

Better still, use the magic of Memory Palaces. If you don't know how to create one, here's my FREE Memory Improvement Kit to help:

Hit the thumbs up, let me know if you have any questions about the excessive use of smartphones and I look forward to hearing from you very soon.


Anthony Metivier

P.S. Subscribe to this channel for more memory improvement and Memory Palace tips:

Рекомендации по теме

looking back in my childhood days, yeah I guess way back in the 90s I used to buy crossword puzzles and find the missing word quiz books, It made me focus and think a lot, now there games in smart phones but the feeling is a lot different when you answer it manually! Enhancing vocabulary through focusing on the detailed things that surrounds you is a big thing nowadays. I still love the smell of a new book BTW! :)


There is a system called "Mini days" to have our activities in schedule for short or long term. We can determinate time to be in electronics, time for read a book and so on....Thanks Anthony 💛


It's really frightening to think about depending on technology or electronics. Like doing simple calculations, I tend to use cellphone calculators.
Best thing is to let the mind do the calculation first.

Anyways, cool video!


Modern time we are heavy using smartphone .so, we losting our fresh mind and healthy life . we need self protection.
