The Great Disruption - Rethinking Energy, Transportation, Food & Agriculture / August 17th, 2021

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Virtual presentation to the Council of State Governments on the occasion of the CSG East 2021 Annual Meeting.
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Tony goes into areas I'd not seen him discuss before. And there is so much detail in this one. I had to keep pausing the video to assimilate it all. Outstanding.


When I am a little depressed, I listen to a Tony Seba lecture, and then I am well again. Thank you, Tony.


Tony Seba is an absolute legend. His predictions have been correct time and again. When he talks, take notice.


Tony's greatest skill is the ability to tie everything together into a big picture and communicate it clearly.


There is a bit of a paradoxical disconnect between the idea that very few people will own their own vehicle in the future due to self-driving TaaS, and “you can power your house from your EV”. According to the TaaS theory most EVs will spend most of their time driving around, disconnected from the grid, rather than sitting around parked and spending significant time connected to the grid acting as energy storage.


I really feel like we are the chosen ones.
It’s crazy to me how we have access to this type of information while everyone is just living life with not a single idea about what is going to happen in this short amount of time.


A clarity of Vision that is astonishing to behold!! Thank you, Tony!!


your last presentation's claims almost a decade ago was precise to the pixel - your track record is stellar. So, thanks for this new one 🤩


Mind blowing. Tony you have fired up my Entrepreneurial mind. To tie this in with helping all of us survive together is very charitable and empathetic. We can do all of these things and we all need to become our own Engineer’s and Blacksmith’s. You are definitely worth supporting. Thank the Good Lord for you and your team 🙏


Daaamn. Tony delivers the goods. Fantastic, as usual. I feel more hopeful than ever. Thank you!


Truly brilliant presentation. He's spot on in terms of the social pattern that is emerging. Our global crisis can be boiled down to an energy balance problem. Once the convergence of technology allows for free super power, we can harness the additional free energy to terraform the planet. It's a complete disruption of social norms.

Simply the best laid out forecast I've seen so far. A true visionary beyond our time.


Wow. Thanks! I can't remember the last time I was spellbound by every minute of an hour-long YT video.

I knew several of the pieces of this (especially the growth and revolution parts), but never (until this video) have I seen it so well, or so powerfully, integrated into a single cohesive picture spanning an entire economy.

For me, the greatest revelations were: 1) How quickly old ways die off. 2) How the new ways create "larger pies" that dwarf the best the old ways had ever yielded.

This yields a great takeaway: When looking at the growth of a potentially disruptive technology, ALSO look at how the industry it replaces is faring. When both are simultaneously going in opposite directions AND the total market is growing, then it's time to take the change very, very seriously.

The thing is, these are purely statistical estimates based on actual historical data. Many of the trends and predictions included error bars as shaded areas above and below the central trend line. In many cases, even the MOST PESSIMISTIC estimate, at the bottom of the lowest error margin, was more than enough to still trigger large scale change, with the only change being a small adjustment to when the tipping point would occur. I think that now defines "inevitability" for me.


Wow. This video and information is gold. The whole world should be informed about these changes. Unfortunately, we are only interested about day to day stuff, like non-sense politics, celebrity break ups, etc. People generally resist change, just like many resisted the internet.


Thank you Tony Seba. It's Feb 27, 2022 and there are so many examples of disruption for us to comtemplate and, in the case of natural disasters, mitigate. Anticipating disruption is our greatest weakness as a species because we think linearly. Besides technology disruptions we have wildfire, heat domes, drought, flooding, pandemics and war. We have a lot do to get ready.


Mind-blowing brilliance. Technology disruption is here and cannot be avoided. This is similar to the impact of the Bitcoin protocol on the global monetary system. Thank you, Mr Seba


Tony Seba gives me hope for our future. Our children are saved!


Tony is a main reason why I invested in Tesla a few years ago, couldn't be happier. Looks like holding for the next decade will be in my favor.


Golden piece of information with 150 people watching (premiere), we the chosen one.


Typically, bloody brilliant Mr.Seba. Thank you so much!!!


I wish more people listened to Tony. He makes so much sense.
